Mind Your Mindset By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas PhD
Mind Your Mindset
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas PhD
Note to self: Mental notes create life’s music.
If you set your mind for joy, love, success, money or being at the top of your game, you’re more likely to reach that destination. Your mind-set is your internal GPS that keeps you rolling in one direction and determines your outcomes. Here are four powerful ways to set your mind for what YOU want:
“What do I really want?”
“Is it in my best interest to have that.
(If you get the green light ask):
“Are my assumptions, beliefs, and methods aligned with what I want?”
(You might need to shift gears on a notion or two…)
“What do I need to do to better navigate any twists and turns?
“What steps will I take and when will I take them to bring the best results?”
To be happy, set your mental GPS for a “joy-us journey.” This takes you there with a smile. Then celebrate each milestone along the way. Your positive and great-full maneuvering makes even the bumps smoother.
If you fixate on the rear view mirror, you run into old junk so ditch wasteful worry at a rest stop and get back on track whistling a happy tune. What’s done is done. You can’t change the past yet, you can change your mindset about it by noting what you learned. To stay the course, note where you are and where you’re going. Then use what your past taught you to your best advantage.
Who’s on board with you? Choose companions who enjoy your trip and you’ll more easily stay the course to joy.
In essence, you are what you think and your mindset influences your results. So, make a wish: “I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight.” Now, set your mind… “I claim happiness, health, wealth and prosperity. I am health, happiness, wealth and prosperity. I do the right things for my mind, body and spirit. So it is and so it shall be!”
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.
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