When Beauties Meet the Battleship USS Iowa – Veteran Couture by Carolina Hernandez By Arturo Garcia-Ayala

A fashion designer exhibited her new collection at a Veterans Day celebration along the Battleship Iowa.

A day of ceremony, cheering and gratitude for generations of U.S. military veterans. From a widewaging presence of blue cavalry hats, white sailor caps and green jackets seasoned with personal decorations was further enhanced by the presence of four fashion models in designer outfits.

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Bye, Bye Black Bird and Sea Gulls Too! Terranea Uses Birds of Prey to Enhance the Guests' Experience By Steve Tabor

Since opening the resort, staff members at Terranea (Resort) have dealt with managing the populations of sea gulls, pigeons, and ravens that have had a negative impact on the Resort’s environment and guests experience. Shortly after opening in 2009, the staff began exploring alternative methods to negate or eliminate the birds’ negative impact on the Resort. One of the former managers shared that one of the resorts at which he worked in the Middle East used birds of prey (raptors), notably falcons, to dissuade the unwanted birds from flying about the property.

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“Sleigh Bells Ring At The Movies” Volume II, No. 10 (Dec. 2021) By Stephanie Mardesich

We might not have much if any snow in the southern part of California, however leave it to Hollywood to bring on the dazzle of sleet and sleighs, and the warmth of the December holiday season with chestnuts roasting on an open fire, presents under the tree, or the religious eight days of Hanukah, December 26th Kwanza and in Great Britain “Boxing Day.” Get cozy by the telly with some popcorn and cider (perhaps “spiked”!), and view some stories of good cheer and soulful spirit. Merry & Happy to all!

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The Heavenly Artwork of Angelica Angelica Sotiriou

I am very grateful. I have a wonderful studio and a small gallery area at LOFT2, 2nd. Floor Studio and Gallery located at The Loft Building 401 South Mesa, San Pedro. I have been an artist all of my life and a practicing, professional studio exhibiting artist since 1978. I have taught the visual arts throughout Los Angeles as an adjunct professor at universities, high school/elementary schools for 45 years and as museum educator for 28 years.

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Local DAR Celebrate 100th Anniversary of Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Point Vicente Chapter’s National Society Daughters of The American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) along with the El Redondo Chapter will gather for a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the Centennial of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, veterans and all who have sacrificed for America’s freedom at Green Hills Memorial Cemetery in Rancho Palos Verdes this Veteran’s Day.

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Gorgeous GLOW Returns to the South Coast Botanic Garden By Steve Tabor

“Water is life!” exclaims MaryLynn Mack, Chief Operations Officer for South Coast Botanic Garden (Garden), and fulfilling their promise to make Garden Lights and Ocean Waters (GLOW) a holiday tradition, GLOW returns to the Garden beginning Saturday, November 20, 2021 for its second year, continuing to highlight the importance water plays in our daily lives.

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Have a Heap of Hollywood Holiday History & Happiness Made Possible by Mary Mallory

Long before television, the internet, and YouTube existed, movie studios employed eye-catching, mouth-watering photographic stills to sell new movies and stars to moviegoers. These appealing publicity products appeared in magazines, newspapers, and theatre lobbies, enticing interest in upcoming releases and popular celebrities. Holiday art in particular, offered multiple opportunities to promote stars and their films.

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Senior Comedy Afternoons announces its return to the stage after an 18month hiatus due to Covid. The Upcoming Holiday show will be held at the Los Verdes Golf Course in the Vista Ballroom at 7000 West Los Verdes Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, 90275 December 12, 2021 starting at Noon for a 3-course lunch, the show starts at 1:15. Tickets are $85 each and need to be purchased by Dec 1, 2021.

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