Self-Care If You Dare! By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D., President of the International Hypnosis Federation

A routine lets you own your day and stay in the flow of joy and success. Here are highlights for a stellar routine:

1. GRATITUDE. As you drift off to sleep, and as you awaken, count your blessings and remind yourself how fortunate you are to be alive.

2. EMBRACE the GOLDEN HOUR. Every sunrise is a fresh chance to begin afresh with each breath. Your wakeful few moments sets the tone for your day. So, after you open your eyelids, open the shades, bask in natural light and notice how easily you uplift your energy and mood.

3. TUNE IN. Before you dig into a rabbit hole of work, or emails, focus on what you want for today to be your best self. A few minutes of “time apart” charges your batteries.

4. EAT RIGHT FOR PURE DELIGHT.  Your body needs water and healthy fuel for energy and upliftment. Do the right thing for your body.

5. MOVE. Simple stretching works wonders because it causes you to flood with feel good endorphins. Movement is living. Stagnation is strange. Scrub the floor, take a stroll, hit the gym, or pick weeds in the garden?

6. LAUGH. Chuckle for no reason… Except to make YOU happy… If you can’t laugh at least smile! Hang out with light-hearted folks or watch a funny movie do things that uplift and for goodness sake turn off the negative hypnosis of doom, gloom and fear mongering news.

7. BE CREATIVE and LEARN. Just for the heck of it write or doodle. Pick up a new hobby or skill. Do anything creative. Smile on yourself and you engage your brain and uplift your spirit.

8. REACH OUT. Expression is the opposite of depression. Talk to a trusted friend or coach about how to be your best YOU.

9. GO FOR MAGIC. Celebrate the magic of your seven senses… sight, sound, feel, smell, taste, intuition and the best one of all… YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR! Smell a flower… dance to the sun… sing a song… just for fun.

E-mail your ideas for a winning routine; 

Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.

