Younging By International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD
Stained glass window of Methuselah from the southwest transept of Canterbury Cathedral in Kent, England
Legend has it that Methuselah lived 969 years.
More recently, Jeanne Calment of France, crossed over at 122 years plus 164 days young. She was financially secure, well-educated, and active and she smoked cigarettes until she was 117 years old!
Many in Hunzaland–in the Himalayas–reportedly live as much as 125 years! These folks retain vigor to live long and prosper. A 2015 statistic estimated that between 150 and 600 living people have reached the age of 110. In the words of hundred-year-old, Margaret Rawson, “People think 100 years is something of an achievement [but] if you stick around long enough, it can happen to you too.”
So, how does longevity happen in a special cadre of men and women?
Is it the water?
Is it in their DNA?
Is it in their attitude?
I decided to ask my collagen:
“Hello Dear One, this is your collagen speaking… I make up 30% of your body’s total protein to provide structure, strength and support for your immunity. I’m your amino acid ‘protein glue’ that supports youthful joints, bones, skin, hair, arteries, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and connective tissue. My favorite job is to STOP biological aging in its tracks by rebuilding resources. Stress hurts integrity of the collagen I produce. When stress weakens you, your health wanes. When you breathe fully, I do my best work. I love Vitamin C, Proline, Glycine, Copper and Zinc.”
Stress from your internal and external environment depletes energy and brings premature bodily wear and tear. Your attitude is everything which brings me to this… After all is said and done, your mind has a powerful influence on your body. Less stress, less wear and tear.
As baby boomers move into twilight years, this rejuvenation hypnosis idea may reset a bio-computer for vitality and personal growth!
DO THIS: “Close your eyes and imagine a bucket of water in one hand and a helium balloon tied to the wrist of your other hand. In a few moments, when you open your eyes, the hand with the bucket will have dropped and the other hand has lifted up. You just proved the old adage–WHAT YOUR MIND AGREES WITH, YOUR BODY RESPONDS TO.”
So, what will happen when you reset your attitude to take it easy and enjoy yourself and all you do? What if you actually had fun?
Let’s kick it up a notch, reset your internal time clock. Imagine that you will depart this earth walk at age 300? That means that at age fifty, you have, only lived 1/6th of your life and are a mere teenager. As you think of yourself as a teenager dedicate yourself to enjoying your enthusiasm, imagination and comfort and ease. Try this idea on for a few days and notice what it’s like for YOU.
This Hunza Prahna Method assists you on your journey to the Fountain of Youth:
DO THIS: Sit or stand erect and breathe through your nostrils inhaling steadily. Draw in the energy/prahna and fill your lungs. As you do, expand your breastbone and chest ribs. You can draw in your abdomen for support. Hold it… Then exhale slowly by holding the chest with a nice full ‘AHH
sound and relax. Return to rhythmic breathing as you connect your body with universal energy.
Now, while you inhale, make your hands into fists and hold them against your chest. and keep muscles tense as you draw breath through your skin, spine, and into your stomach, and reproductive organs. As you exhale, extend your arm and hands out from your body.
This drawing in and out action brings vitality of life ito your entire body to renew, restore and revitalize YOU. Notice that you feel younger already!
ONWARD By Dr Shelley
I fought a battle with time, before we became acquainted; time and I.
At first, I saw time keeping company with old and battered people on the streets…
Once I stood by young man as time ran out on him and I cried bitter tears
and knew time and I could never be friends.
Then one day, or else a year, time stood silently at my mirror
leaving laughing footprints all around my eyes.
I fought a battle with time, until one day, without a reference,
and just for old time’s sake, we became vital roommates.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844. Website: