Strolling Through My Favorite Places: Or as My Dear Friend Calls It, 'Diandering' By Adventurer and Photographer Dianne Gowder

We are so lucky, here on the peninsula, to have many wonderful places to walk and  I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you.Nothing is better than a stunning ocean view and Palos Verdes estates offers endless opportunities to walk on the cliff tops or up in the hills. I think that it is particularly lovely in the springtime, you really can’t beat the views.

I live in San Pedro and I do enjoy a walk from my home to the very pretty Averill Park and back, especially when the jacaranda trees are in bloom. If you are lucky you might see a duck with her brood of ducklings going by.

I can often be found early in the morning on the cliffs near Vanderlip Park in Rancho Palos Verdes. The light there in the early morning can be exceptionally beautiful, especially if there a few clouds about. Then I wander about in the neighborhoods as well, enjoying the landscaping around many of the homes in the area.

Back to San Pedro as I share my last favorite for now. Cabrillo Beach, again early in the morning, preferably at sunrise, is the best. Walk in the sand, then to the end of the pier and back in the sand on the other side. If you go there often enough you will make friends with the regular walkers. It is always a social occasion for me! You may well meet some of the local wildlife too.

Thank you for allowing me to share some of the places that I love and where I take my daily walks. I hope to see you out there.

Dianne Gowder Bio:

Here is a link to my Facebook photography page

Also I can be found on Instagram @dgbrit

Originally from England, but now long time San Pedro resident..

Credit for bio picture: Arturo Garcia Ayala

Dianne loves to walk and she tries to do at least 3 miles every day before she heads out to work. Her love of  photography evolved from her walks.

“ I have always been amazed by scenery here and more and more I found myself stopping to capture the beauty of my surroundings. As I shared my work I realized that very few people were even aware of what they have on their doorstep!”

Dianne has made it her mission to share the beauty through her photographs and she takes her friends on walks as often as possible.

