Word Power & You By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More
Word Power & You
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More
You were born to use words. It’s hardwired into you. Baby YOU learned the language of those around you. Gibberish is your first language and your second language came from big people. You are multilingual!
Words roll in your head as self-narratives.
Words leave your sweet lips to reveal what you feel.
You think in words; you communicate with words.
In fact, words are breath with sound and mastering your words is breathtaking hang gliding. Right words raise you up to catch the wind and stay in the flow. Wrong words are out of sync.
Have you said something your regret? If so, you know the icky hangover of misspoken words as they hover like a blimp or cartoon bubble and then free fall like a lead balloon. And, no matter how hard you try, you can’t cram clumsy words back into your mouth. Wrong words are hard to swallow.
Think of the word, “consequence.” “Con” means “with” and “sequence” means, “sequence.” Your thoughts and words result from and create neurological sequences with real consequences on your inner and outer experience. In fact, every word you say to yourself generates frequency that literally changes genetic in-formation.
Russian physicist and molecular biologist, Pjotr Garjajev, says: “Words actually shifts your cells to other genomes that repair chromosomes damaged by x-rays… Words you think or speak vibrate DNA-alkaline pairs and modulate your DNA STUCTURE! Living chromosomes function like solitonic/holographic computers via endogenous DNA laser radiation and radio waves to capture information that translates from your DNA to another person’s DNA! This explains why affirmations and hypnotic suggestion influence your health and happiness.”
In other words, your inner self listens well and instantly creates a blueprint for what happens next, mentally, physically and emotionally and this creates your habits, values, and destiny.
1. Write or say the words “I love YOU.”
2. Now, think about the meaning of each word; I– love– YOU.
“How did you do it?”
You mentally accessed your internal words or language program. This allows you to think, write, or say words (in this case, “I love you.”) Then, you accessed a part of your mind that associates meaning. How clever you are!
The good news: I hear what I say to me.
The bad news: I don’t hear what I say to me.
Do you hear what you say to yourself? Or, is your self-dialogue lost to the void of inner blah, blah, blah to vaporize in thin air? The amazing thing about YOU is that every word you think or speak is heeded or ignored by conscious awareness yet is always heard loud and clear by your bio-chemical electric mind/body to influence how you act and react.
If you think, “I’m shy” you’re correct. If you think, “I feel rotten” you do. If you think ‘No body loves me, everybody hates me; guess I’ll eat some worms;” you might as well dig them up and chow down.
Yup. Words hurt or heal. They build you up or tear you down and can keep you stuck on the wrong side of town. Good words motivate… so you celebrate…As you listen well to your thoughts and the things you tell, you have an opportunity to stay true to yourself, your path and your purpose.
DO THIS! Take a deep, full easy breath. Conscious breath helps you focus and attune to be in synch with your unique vibration. As you breathe, listen to what you say to YOU… Do it again, take a full and easy breath, and, this time, listen, listen, listen to what you tell yourself…
As you capture your thought, nets of wonder help you meet your best friend… the all-knowing inner YOU. Words create your destiny… money, friends, and community.
Brave people communicate kindness directly and clearly to let you know that they love you dearly (Cowards hide behind technology to spew out-of-reach or on-line.) So, are you ready to challenge yourself to a winning verbal game of tennis?
“How do I speak to others?”
“Do I say positive and encouraging things?”
“Do my words uplift or tear down?”
Dr Shelley’s RULES TO WIN BY…
1. Talk to yourself in a loving way.
2. Listen to your body and Higher Self.
3. Think before you speak. Then think again.
4. Say what you mean and mean what you say
5. Tell others what you appreciate every day.
Oh, one more overtime rule:
Do not allow yourself to hypnotized by advertisers and the media until you carefully assess “Is this in my best interest?”
Dr. Shelley is teaching self-hypnosis to first responders, and taking a group to Sedona April 5-8 for a certification class in
Past Life Regression Journeys.
Dr. Shelley can be reached at: 310 541-4844.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.
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