Does This Playful Pop Psychological Personality Game Ruffle Your Feathers? By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D.
Does This Playful Pop Psychological Personality Game Ruffle Your Feathers?
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D.
Just for fun take this quiz:
D.O.P.E.: FOUR the BIRDS Personality Test
Choose your favorite bird:
Dove, Owl, Peacock, Eagle
Got it? Now read the rundown and see if it sounds like YOU.
IF YOU CHOSE DOVE: You’re peaceful, people-oriented and friendly, and specialize in diplomacy and tact. You tend to be relaxed and slow-paced. You’re a team player listen well and are pleasant to be around. You tend to avoid confrontation and like the status quo. You may seek affirmation for what you do. Doves often choose service professions like teacher, mentor, coach, therapist, hypnotist or social worker.
IF YOU’RE WITH A DOVE: Be warm and sympathetic and remember to praise them. Oh and be patient, because earning their trust might take a while.
IF YOU CHOSE OWL: You’re wise, analytical, methodical, and organized. You enjoy details, precision, logic and are most at home with details. Yout systematic, decision-making can be tedious. Yet your determination, perseverance, diligence and structure gets a job “done right.” Your biggest challenge is that you can be judgmental, critical, and bullheaded if others don’t get your logic.
Owls thrive as engineers, computer geeks, mechanics, actuaries or accountants.
IF YOU’RE WITH AN OWL: Be detailed, objective and well-organized and avoid putting your personal feelings or opinions upon them.
IF YOU CHOSE PEACOCK: Showy and cheerful, you are happy, optimistic, social and love to talk. You tend to be spontaneous and not keen on time management and details. Often a “styler” you may seek recognition for whatever you do.
Peacocks easily motivate others, and make excellent coaches, teachers and sales and marketing professionals.
IF YOU’RE WITH A PEACOCK: Rally behind their ideas and visions to win them over. Be paitient.
IF YOU CHOSE EAGLE: Bold, decisive, authoritative, and a natural leader, you’re dynamic and decisive. Mostly output-oriented, you like things well-structured and functional. To the extreme you could be considered a “type-A” person. Be ware: at times, you may be domineering and insensitive to other people’s needs.
Eagles are often on the top of the ladder as a CEO, independent business owner, pilot, or a military officer.
IF YOU’RE WITH AN EAGLE: Be business-like, bring facts, not opinions; and, if possible, support their goals.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation.
You can call her at 310 541-4844.