Conservation Author Doug Tallamy Joined the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for an Earth Day Message By Adrienne Mohan, Executive Director of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy
Conservation Author Doug Tallamy Joined the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for an Earth Day Message
By Adrienne Mohan, Executive Director of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy
Earth Day’s theme this year of Restoring our Earth carries the important message of the world’s need to restore ecosystems, conserve and rebuild soils and save wildlife populations. The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy works to do exactly that right here on the Peninsula. From identifying lands needed for restoration that are devoid of plants for sustaining locals species, growing needed local plant species in our nursery, removing invasive weeds using environmentally-friendly goats, to planting and caring for local plants – the Conservancy is working to renew local nature with the help of dedicated volunteers and support from the community.
California Bush Sunflower
California Fushia
The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy partnered with the Palos Verdes Library District, Friends of the Library and the California Native Plant Society for an Earth Day special presentation on April 22 about how each of us can make a difference locally in restoring the earth. The presentation was by best-selling author and wildlife Ecologist Doug Tallamy. Tallamy who is author of Nature's Best Hope, has a national ambition for every backyard to become a refuge for native plants, becoming part of a network of wildlife corridors as a way to halt species decline. This includes North American bird populations that have seen a 30% decline in the past 50 years. “Every little bit helps,” Tallamy says. “Most people don’t own 10 acres…so a minimal thing to do is add a native plant, the right plant to bring back insects like caterpillars that local bird species need to feed their nestlings.”
Purple Sage
California Poppy
The Earth Day presentation was followed by a special Live Zoom Q&A with the author on May 1st. In both his fascinating Earth Day Presentation and when answering individual questions, Doug Tallamy inspires hope and motivation for us to act by showing how quickly he and others have brought back food networks using the best native plants for caterpillars, butterflies and birds even in the smallest of areas.
Both the Earth Day Presentation and the Q&A with Doug Tallamy are available on YouTube to watch now. Signed copies of the book Nature’s Best Hope are available on the Conservancy’s website at A variety of native species grown in the PVP Land Conservancy Native Plant Nursery are available for sale online with no-contact pick-up; just visit Sales.
The Conservancy is grateful to Cox Communications and Cal Water for generously supporting the Conservancy’s Earth Day Events.” For more information on the Conservancy’s upcoming activities, please visit: