Bring on the South Bay Super Foods *5 Foods and One Spice! By Corry Matthews, M.S.
Bring on the South Bay Super Foods *5 Foods and One Spice!
By Corry Matthews, M.S.
Summer is here, and ready or not, you will want to be in your tank tops and shorts. Here is a list of 5 super foods and one amazing spice that will leave you energized and ready for the long hot summer days that turn into gorgeous nights in the South Bay.
Best fat burning / detox drink
Start your mornings off with warm/hot water mixed with the juice of ½ a fresh squeezed lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper. This drink is believed to have many benefits:
· Natural boost of energy
· The warm/hot drink can fulfill the need for your habit of having coffee every morning
· Cleansing – the lemon and cayenne kill off bacteria in your gut lining and may help prevent you from getting sick. If you are feeling sick, it can help reduce the symptoms
· Lemon juice contains citric acid which is good for aiding in digestion, reducing kidney stones and alkalizing the body
· May relieve constipation
Is it too hot? Try this same beverage in a cool/cold version later in the day. It will offer many of the same properties of your iced coffee with almost zero calories and no sugar.
4 Perfect Summer Super Foods
Avocados – this just might be the perfect fruit. Full of healthy monounsaturated fat and fiber, we luck out living in Southern California with having these year-round. Add them to your salads, soups, appetizers, and for a change add them to your smoothie or brownies. Here is our favorite BBQ ready guacamole that’s healthy on your waist line. (
Fish – full of protein, good healthy fats, and abundant all summer long in the South Bay. Try different variations and cooking methods.
Nuts & Seeds – also full of good fats; nuts and seeds are the perfect portable snack. Be sure to use a variety so you get both the mono-unsaturated (almonds, cashews) and poly-unsaturated kinds (walnuts, coconut). In addition to good fats, nuts and seeds contain carbohydrates and protein, that keep us feeling full longer.
Berries – Summer is the season for the best berries, when they are perfectly ripe and sweet. Anti-oxidant rich and full of fiber, they are the perfect addition to smoothies in the morning, salads in the afternoon and as a treat post dinner.
Corry Matthews, M.S. Sports Medicine
Healthy Lifestyle Expert.
Inspiring individuals to reach their dreams and goals by living healthier.