WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D.
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D.
When highly motivated even hunger, thirst, or distractions can’t stop YOU because you go for IT! So what motivates you? A thought? Emotion? Being physical? A goal? Attention? Recognition? A dream that evolves into a decision? For some, simple survival reigns supreme. Others are driven by a quest for “self-actualization” or their “soul purpose.” Others say, “divine guidance moves me forward…” So how about YOU? What moves you to action? Whatever it is, here are five easy steps that keep you inspired and on track:
1. ASK YOUR BRAIN: “WHAT do I want to happen? Then really think about it… For example; “I want my website to manifest $110,000 in the next 6 months.” Or “I want more love in my life.” When you get an answer or even a vague knowing, write it down or send it to yourself as a text or email. You’ll delight in the reminder when you read it again…
2. IMAGINE! In your mind’s eye, how does having what you want look? How does it feel, sound, smell, taste? Let it fill all your senses and even beyond senses. Let it fill your sense of humor with delight. What do you say to yourself and others having achieved what you want? What do others say to you? For example; “What I will I do with the $110,000?” “How delighted I am having someone to love and who loves me.” Remember; “You’ve got to have a dream… If you don’t have a dream… how you gonna have a dream come true?
3. SYMBOLIZE IT! Think of a symbol and or a color to represent the thing you want… Good. For example; “Whenever I see the color green it reminds me to do what is necessary to manifest my $110,000” or “When I see a heart I remember that I now create more love in my life.”
4. WHEN? Now ask; “Specifically WHEN will it be so!” For example; “My website manifests $110,000 by December 31st of 2021.” This clear intention allows you to move toward a specific outcome. If your outcome doesn’t turn out exactly as planned (let’s say you only bring in $90,000 from your website), you’re still going in the right direction! And if you fall more in love with yourself while questing another more power to you!
5. COMMIT TO STAY THE COURSE: AFFIRM: “I show up and empower myself to live my dream. I take charge and am responsible for each steps I take or do not take. I dedicate my self to the journey and the results. My higher self and unshakeable focus manifests as reality. It’s up to me to make it be.”
P.S. OH YES! One more thing… Avoid high drama and nay sayers. Surround yourself with encouraging people who believe in you! Go with the flow of a winning attitude and remember that every fortune, gold medal, comeback, kiss, hug, and hand held were first a thought, a whisper, or dream that someone made real.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation.
You can call her at 310 541-4844.