Sleep! By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More

(Excerpt from Stockwell-Nicholas book “The MYSTERIES OF YOU"

Fruit flies do it. Fish do it. Dogs, cats, and lions too. 

YOU do it... a quarter of your life... if you don’t... you die. So why do you suspend voluntary functions in this state of partial or full unconsciousness?

To relax muscles?

To rev-up your brain?

Restore energy?

To learn?

Make memories?

Are you hibernating, organizing or regenerating?

No one knows. After 50 years of research, William Dement, said it well; “As far as I know, the only really solid reason we need to sleep is because we get sleepy.”


“I got critical sleep last night... An inner voice kept calling me names.”

We know that the quantity and quality of sleep affects your mood and wellness. If you don’t sleep enough, you’re more likely to make bad decisions, take more risks and be hungrier when awake. Get enough sleep and you’re more easy-going, happier and make better choices. So sleep tight (in Dutch, they say, “Slaap Lekker” meaning “sleep delicious.”)


Zzzz and your brain’s abuzz. Dozing burns more sugar and oxygen, releases growth hormones, builds muscles, repairs cells to help you grow, fight infection, and energize. Good quality, regular sleep enhances healthy blood pressure and your heart.


1. Keep a regular sleep schedule
2. Avoid drugs, caffeine & nicotine.
3. Don’t exercise late in the day.
4. Avoid large, heavy meals and sugar late at night. 

5. Don’t nap after 3 p.m.

6. Relax before bed—take a hot bath.
7. Create a good sleeping environment. Get rid of noises, bright lights, an uncomfortable bed, a TV or computer in the bedroom.

The sleep you need varies and changes throughout your life. Babies sleep a lot... hopefully. Most adults need 7–8 hours a day. In 1910 an adult in the United States slept an average of nine hours a night today it is seven hours. So, why do you sleep? What’s your fantasy? Your guess is better than anyone else’s... Sleep on it.

Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.

