The Ruby: Birthstone of July

The ruby, renowned for its fiery red hue and captivating brilliance, is the birthstone for July. This precious gemstone, known as the "king of gems," has been treasured throughout history for its stunning beauty and remarkable properties. Symbolizing passion, protection, and prosperity, the ruby is more than just a gem; it is a stone imbued with profound energy and metaphysical significance.

Energies and Properties of the Ruby

The ruby is a powerful stone that carries a range of energies and metaphysical properties, making it a highly sought-after gemstone. Here are some of the key attributes associated with rubies:

1. Passion and Vitality: The ruby is often referred to as the stone of passion. Its vibrant red color is said to ignite the fire within, fueling desires and ambitions. It energizes the wearer, infusing them with enthusiasm and a zest for life. This makes rubies ideal for those seeking to invigorate their spirit and enhance their motivation.

2. Courage and Confidence: One of the most notable properties of the ruby is its ability to promote courage and confidence. It is believed to dissolve feelings of lethargy and self-doubt, replacing them with a sense of purpose and determination. Rubies empower individuals to pursue their goals with unwavering resolve, making them excellent talismans for leaders and adventurers.

3. Love and Compassion: Rubies are also known for their ability to enhance love and compassion. They open the heart chakra, encouraging emotional expression and deepening connections in relationships. Rubies promote empathy and understanding, making them perfect for those seeking to heal emotional wounds and restore harmony in their interactions with others.

4. Protection and Safety: The ruby is a powerful protective stone. It is said to create a shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. By guarding the wearer's energy field, rubies help maintain emotional and physical well-being. This protective quality made rubies popular among warriors in ancient times, who believed the stone would keep them safe in battle.

5. Prosperity and Success: Rubies are also associated with abundance and prosperity. They are believed to attract wealth and enhance one's leadership abilities. By aligning the wearer with their highest potential, rubies help manifest desires and achieve success. This makes them favored gemstones for those pursuing financial growth and career advancement.

Famous Rubies

Throughout history, several famous rubies have captured the world's imagination. Here are a few notable examples:

1. The Sunrise Ruby: The Sunrise Ruby is one of the world's most valuable rubies, weighing 25.59 carats. This Burmese ruby, set in a Cartier ring, was sold at auction in 2015 for over $30 million, making it one of the most expensive rubies ever sold. Its vivid red color and exceptional clarity make it a truly remarkable gem.

2. The Rosser Reeves Star Ruby: Weighing 138.7 carats, the Rosser Reeves Star Ruby is one of the finest star rubies in the world. This Sri Lankan gem is famous for its distinct star pattern, known as asterism, which is visible under a direct light source. It is currently housed in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

3. The DeLong Star Ruby: The DeLong Star Ruby, weighing 100.32 carats, is another famous star ruby known for its striking asterism. Discovered in Burma (now Myanmar), it was donated to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where it remains on display.

How to Enjoy Wearing Rubies

Rubies can be enjoyed in various forms, from jewelry to personal adornments. Here are some tips on how to incorporate rubies into your life:

1. Jewelry: Rubies make stunning centerpieces in rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. When set in fine metals like gold or platinum, they create timeless pieces that can be worn for both special occasions and everyday elegance.

2. Talismans and Amulets: Given their protective properties, rubies are often used as talismans or amulets. Wearing a ruby close to the body, such as in a pendant or a ring, is believed to provide a shield against negative energies and to enhance the wearer's inner strength and confidence.

3. Meditation and Healing: Rubies can also be used in meditation practices. Holding a ruby or placing it on the heart chakra during meditation can help enhance feelings of love, compassion, and emotional healing. The stone's energy can aid in releasing emotional blockages and promoting a sense of well-being.

4. Gifts: Rubies are an excellent choice for meaningful gifts. Whether it's a ruby ring for an engagement, a ruby necklace for an anniversary, or a ruby bracelet for a birthday, the gem's associations with love and passion make it a heartfelt present for loved ones.


The ruby, with its stunning beauty and profound energies, is a gemstone that transcends mere adornment. As the birthstone of July, it embodies the warmth of the summer sun, the intensity of passion, and the strength of protection. Whether worn as jewelry, used in healing practices, or given as a gift, the ruby continues to captivate and inspire with its timeless allure and powerful properties.