Biofields Forever By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More
Biofields Forever By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More
(Includes excerpts from “Spiritual Counselor’s Secrets” by Stockwell and Kenedi, available at 310 541-4844 or email
Since forever, and supercharged with Mesmerism, helpers of all have used energy and “vibes” for well-being.
Ancient Egyptian, Hindu, Buddhist and Christians artists depicted your energies as “haloes” and Tibetans say your energy is a “clever, supernatural spirit entity who acts on others.” In 538 BC, The Kabala called your aura or energy “astral light.”
Some measure the electromagnetic field that surrounds you, Others play with it. And still others make up amazing stories about how to best influence it.
Franz Anton Mesmer popularized these modalities as “cosmic energy” or “mesmerism” in the 1800s. Mesmerism came to Japan and reiki became the well-marketed outgrowth.
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SYMBOLS. Sacred geometry is a part of every recorded civilization. Ancient Egyptians used symbols in initiation rites in sleep temples and as hieroglyphics. Cave drawings, the Kabala, and Sanskrit are loaded with them. The Hebraic language and our own alphabet are outgrowths of these same ancient systems. For thousands of years, ancient Tibetan Buddhists (the “Great White Brotherhood”), lamas or holy ones, meditated on three hundred drawn symbols as they chanted associated “sacred” sounds.
A shopping list of biofield practices includes:
THERAPEUTIC TOUCH: Nurse, Dolores Krieger developed coined the name in the 1970s and it became the precursor to Healing Touch and Chronic Healing Therapies.
HEALING TOUCH: Coined in 1989 by another nurse, Janet Mentgen, that is said to be a “more structured Reiki.” This approach includes “lymphatic release” and “chakra connection” for wellness.
PRANIC HEALING: Using colors and crystals.
QIGONG: Integrates movements, breath, self-massage, sound, and focus for “vital energy.”
YUEN METHOD OR CHINESE ENERGETICS: A non-touch technique similar to reiki or prahnic healing that uses muscle testing and intuition to identify perceived “weaknesses” and then imagines them becoming strong. “Place your thought on your spine and imagine being strong and balanced. Good. Now relax quietly and feel your heart.”
REIKI: A reiki practitioner uses specific hand positions while imagining symbols to call forth “universal life force energy” for well-being. The practitioner “gets centered,” and then thinks of a symbol as they “pass attunements” through their hands. Different groups market specific symbols and sounds. (Five of these are said to remain from ancient times– want Tibet!)
“I paid Phyllis Furumoto $10,000 to be a Reiki Master. At my first Reiki Master’s gathering in Hawaii in 1982, I learned that the deceased Grand Master, Takata, taught each person differently than she did. We were shocked to find that the symbols she taught varied… ‘to allow freedom to discover your own uniqueness.’
We then agreed to standardize reiki symbols… I no longer remember exactly how we determined the ‘correct’ symbols… we placed an emphasis on ‘self-discovery’ and the concept that ‘you allow energy to lead you.’…
I do not align with notions of a role of a grandmaster, office of grandmaster, lineage bearer, sole and rightful heir of the Usui System of Reiki or licensing fees for Masters, because they did not come from the system itself. We are all lineage bearers, rightful heirs and potentially grandmasters. This is not the exclusive right of one person… Free yourself and return to the true simplicity of this gentle practice.”
In 1922, physician, Mikao Usui renamed and marketed “reiki” and added rituals of intoning symbols. After he died, a former naval officer, Chujiro Hayashi, added his hand positions. Then, a Japanese-American woman, Hawayo Takata, brought Reiki to the United States and proclaimed herself “Reiki Grandmaster.”
THE TRADEMARK GAME. Clever marketers regularly add new symbols and protocols. The words Reiki and Usui Shiki Ryoho are not trademarked. In 1989, William Rand trademarked “Holy Fire®” and “Karuna Reiki®” (and a corresponding logo). He then added eight new symbols in his business model. Debra Shields trademarked her “Reiki Prayer for Healing.”
Loosely translated, Reiki means, “divine multi-directional life force energy” to revitalize mind, body and spirit. “Rei” is the Japanese equivalent “spirit, soul or ghost.” (A corresponding Chinese word “lei” means “subtle etheric influence.”) “Ki” means “energy or vital life force” similar to the Chinese Chi. Qi, or Qi Gong (pronounced “Chee”). In Japanese, Raku-Kei translates as Raku meaning “vertical energy flow” and Kei meaning “horizontal energy flow.”
REIKI SECRET: Reiki symbols are not trademarked so feel free to use them freely or make up your own symbols. DO THIS! Take a deep breath and get into center and think of being hugged by universal light and love. Good. Now doodle or draw a symbol (with eyes open or closed) to represent your personal symbol! Use it as you choose.
1. Prepare: A Native American will sage a room to cleanse it, a Reiki practitioner “reikies” their office before a client arrives.
2. Get Permission. Explain to your client: “We’re going to do an energetic session today. It will be non-verbal. Hypno-Reiki uses gently touch and, of course, I will be respectful in every way. Is it okay if I gently lay hands upon your ______ (afflicted area) head, shoulders, throat, heart, stomach?” (If they say “yes” proceed. If they have an objection say, “Fine. Will it be okay if I send energy without physically touching you?”)
Some states laws allow “appropriate” laying of hands yet if you move your hand along the body, you are considered “massaging them” and you can’t do that without a massage therapist’s license. If it seems prudent you can have another present during the session.
SECRET…shhh! Some Hypnotists and Reiki workers get certified as a “minister” to sanction the “laying of hands” as a religious rite. The Universal Light Church, on the Internet, can help you do that.
3. Make Your Client Comfortable. Have your client remove their shoes and relax while sitting in a chair or resting upon a message table.
4. Rub Your Hands Together.
5. Blessings. Bless yourself and the one you choose to revitalize. Here is the prayer that I use: “Dear Highest Power, and all great healers who have gone before, and the great healers yet to come, bless us on all levels; Physically with radiant health, Mentally with clear thinking, Emotionally with unconditional love, and spiritually so we may take the path of higher consciousness. Let me be a pure conduit of live and light as I open myself to channel wellness. Amen. Awomen. Ah Life.”
6. Rest Your Tongue and Tighten Your Pelvis. Touch your tongue to the little piece of skin behind your two front teeth and then let it rest comfortably on the roof of the mouth. Contract your pelvic muscles (called “hui yin” in Japan and “kagle” in the United States) and then relax. This is said to activate Kundalini energy.
7. Place your hands. Focus your hand energy over each chakra or afflicted area for several minutes. Meanwhile, in-tone and focus light and energy outside yourself. Soon your client will relax and, most likely, they’ll experience a tingling sensation where needed. You’ll feel it too. If you like, invite them to share aloud what’s going on with them.
Chair Hypno-Reiki Placements. Your client sits in a chair as you move your hand placements to the head, eyes, forehead (and ears), base of head (and chin), shoulders, throat, heart, stomach, hips, hands and elbows, knees and ankles, hand and back, thigh, knees, calf to ankle, lower back (for adrenals and kidneys) and to the top and bottom of the spine. When complete, stroke over the head and heart and back to the head.
Massage Table Hypno-Reiki Placements. If your client is reclining on a massage table, do the hand placements for the back of the head, neck and upper, mid and lower back while they lay on their stomach.
8. Create a Mental Image. If you don’t follow a formal Reiki pattern, simply envision a violet flame through your third eye as you hold your dominant hand one-inch above your client. (With permission, you may lay your other hand upon an afflicted spot.) It’s perfectly fine to send energy by holding your hand above any region. Let intuition be your guide. If you notice subtle energy as a “weak” part of the body, linger longer there and say to yourself “balanced and well.”
9. Let Energy Flow. You can intone a mantra like OHM (or TM’s “Sha Ring,” the Tibetan “Hon Sah,” or your own favorite sound) as you envision and imagine any sacred symbol or word that appeals to you.
10. Complete the Session. When you get the sense of an energy shift or temperature change, stroke upward over their head, heart and back. Shake out your hands and let the energy drain from your palms into the earth, smile and say, “Yes!”
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.