Earth to You! By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More
When you’re on track, you know it… and feel fine. If off track… you know it too… You feel weird, wasted, ill-at-ease and like you’ve been soccer punched. So if you face the same issue again and again, it is because icky situations repeat themselves until you really learn the lesson you’re supposed to learn.
A green light says go ahead; a yellow light says proceed with caution; and, if you don’t pay attention, a red light blares-out, stop, think and change for the better. A well-used “feather, brick and bus parable” teaches you to heed incremental signals of impending doom so you avoid regret and stave off being clobbered.
THE FEATHER: The feather is a gentle event or reminder that pushes you in a particular direction. When it does, you realize you must do something. When hit with a feather, you feel a niggling nudge to “notice.” Examples might be two or three people telling you to pay attention, a recommendation that you read a particular book or rethink something, a twinge of discomfort in your body, or a thought that something is off or seems contrary to what you thought you knew. If you ignore the tickling feather and do not take action, the next thing you get is…
THE BRICK: The brick hits hard and hurts. You may lose freedom or partner or a promotion… or are ill… It tells you, “I know I have to rearrange or make a change.”
THE BUS OR TRUCK: If you haven’t figured it out yet; you get hit by a truck or bus to say, in no uncertain terms, “This is a massive disaster.” You feel it; you show it; you know it. The world topples. Suddenly, you’re forced to do something different and better.
Even if it happens without warnings, or you ignored it, there it is in your face and shift happens. Things escalated until you learned the lesson. With enough pain, you take the necessary action. So, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Then make it easy on yourself, sit up, listen up, pay attention and make new happen now. Do the right thing. Read, listen up, hang out with people like and respect and who truly like, respect and honor you. Then enjoy the green light and have a lovely life journey.
DR SHELLEY’S ADVICE: Stay aware of feathers and take action now so you won’t be pummeled by the brick or the bus. It’s your responsibility to navigate your thoughts and actions to be the best version of YOU.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.