Your Future is Now! By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D., President of the International Hypnosis Federation
Your Future is Now!
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D., President of the International Hypnosis Federation
A tethered baby elephant who’s too little to pull up a stake and move, may not try when fully grown. Yet, when grown, they are so strong that they could easily pull out the stake. Yet because of what hypnotists call a “conditioned response” or “learned helplessness” they are stuck. Could YOU– brilliant and charming YOU– wittingly or unwittingly limit your possibilities?
You learned how you think about yourself long ago yet who you are now may not be the you then and the way you learned to think may not be serving you well especially if you were hypnotized to worry and fret.
How and what you think about what happens in and around you become real neurologically. Long after a limit is accepted and programmed your nervous system may come to believe it as truth… Even when your eyes, brain, heart or wisdom say, “This is crazy non-sense.” You may stubbornly hang on to a limit.
If you are manipulated or persuaded to believe a falsehood, an inner conflict creates angst, anger and stress that can raise blood pressure, suppress digestion and may literally make you sick.
When “I’ll never lose weight.” “I’m sickly” “I can’t have a healthy relationship,” “A promotion is out of the question” or “Dreams– What dreams?” become conditioned responses played and replayed like a stuck record it may be time for a mental tune UP.
It doesn’t have to like this. In fact, you’re as limited, or unlimited, as you make up your mind to be. It’s up to YOU to make dreams come true. My friend Dewa, in Bali, gave me a beaded wooden bracelet and as he fingered each bead and slid them aside he said, “learning never ends. Learning never ends.” So up and at ‘em with these easy steps…
Step ONE MOVE ON– “I tell me what I want; what I really, really want!”
Keep your eye on the prize… Do you want more health, love, money and joy? These are doable when you set your mind to it. So, focus on where you want to go and not where you have been. Repetition makes it easy to expand your awareness and you move on. Affirm: “I set my mental GPS to now and the future!”
Step TWO. ASK QUESTIONS– “What do I need to learn?”
Now that you’ve decided where you want to go, ask yourself, “What do I need to learn (or unlearn) to move forward?”
The word “question” has the word “quest” in it. Questions take you forward on your quest. Questions bring new facts to light so you reframe, rethink and reimagine your desired consequences and results. Questions like “Says who?” awakens your “bull-sh…” detector so you spot deception a mile away.
If you come to a limit, ask yourself, “How old was I when I bought this notion?” I’m sure you don’t want the nine-year-old you making your now decisions. As you question your beliefs ask, “Is this a healthy conclusion for me at this time?” “Does this belief serve me well or hurt me?”
STEP THREE. OWN YOUR WISDOM– “I listen to my Higher Self”
Timothy Leary said, “turn on, tune in and drop out” I say “turn on, tune in and rise above.” As you persistently and forcefully tell yourself the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and you pay attention to how you want to think and feel right now. Use self-hypnosis, meditation, prayer or simply have a sit-down chant with the part of you that is wise beyond wise.
Affirm: “Self-communication is liberation!” I’m awake and aware. I tell myself the truth. I take charge of my reality. I do the right things for my mind, body and spirit. I have unlimited possibilities. I do what is best for me and my loved ones.”
3. UNSTICK LIMITS- “Freedom’s Just another word for nothing left to lose…”
Fear can paralyze. I’ll say it again. Fear can paralyze. Ah, yes I repeat myself. That’s because repeated fear can actually cause you to believe a falsehood– even with evidence to the contrary– that you are powerless, so why try?” So, let’s move on to the promised land. You deserve to live your life fully. As you go through life thinking heavy thoughts, spike proteins and particles get caught in your head causing truth decay. Instead, appraise what's going on and decide what you want to think, when you want to think and when you want to forget about it.
Comedian, Steve Bhearman; “Don’t get even… get odd… Use mental floss, clear your mind and avoid tantrum yoga.”
DO THIS! Pick up a pen or a small object that you are willing to drop without a second thought. Hold it in front of you and grip it tightly while you pretend, “This object is a limiting feeling and my hand represents my gut level truth. If I hold this object (limiting thought) long enough it may feel familiar yet it is uncomfortable... Now, open your hand so the object easily rolls around. YOU choose if you hold it, roll it or let it go. You are the one holding on yet, , it’s not attached to your hand and you can let it go now if you like. The same principle applies to your feeling. You choose what feelings to hold on to and which you will let go. So, think about an issue you would like to release and drop the object. As you let go, you immediately dissolve anything holding you back, and the world opens up.
How easy it is when you put your mind to it and do it, do it… do it.
You are empowered to feel powerful, act powerfully and become your own super hero/shero. The process of letting go comes down to welcoming the feelings you choose that nourish YOU.
Affirm: “One frozen moment of learning does not a lifetime make. I bravely pursue my heartfelt gutsy dreams. Happiness is the road I take.”
3. IF NEED BE, GET HELP “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Input from others who believe in your potentials and gifts can be a real boon for well-deserved strength and confidence in YOU. You’re social by nature so the sound of a voice, a smell, and energy of another adds to your self-awareness as you move forward. A supportive, friend, coach or hypnotist can make a world of difference.
Shelley’s next hypnosis training in Rancho Palos Verdes is September 1-4, 2022
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.