How Do You Shape Up? This Playful Pop Psych Quiz Tells All By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD
How Do You Shape Up? This Playful Pop Psych Quiz Tells All
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD
Choose your favorite shape:
Triangle? Square? Circle? Squiggle?
GOT IT? Good! Let’s play, what psychologists call “psycho-geometrics” and read the rundown to see if it sounds like YOU. Perhaps it will give you some insight into yours special style.
Leader: You are a confident, cut-to-the-chase, no-nonsense person who enjoys problem solving, and go for results. You love to get things done and to move fast. “Why?” is your favorite question. You thrive on causes, status symbols and appreciate black, white and grey ideas. You can, however, be impatient so, slow down a bit and smell the roses as you go for results.
If you're with a “triangle” person be sure to share the big picture and the why and then help them fill in details.
Organizer: You’re an analytical hard worker and like order, structure, rules, data, deadlines, details and logic. The four walls of your home bring you a strong sense of security. You enjoy categorizing ideas and like regular routines. Change can put you on a tilt so go easy on yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes because you learn new concepts from them. If analysis-paralysis keeps you from moving forward, tell yourself “doing nothing is as important as doing something.”
If you're with a “square” person be specific in what you expect. Beware of emotional high
Caretaker: You’re fun-loving and laugh a lot. You understand people and feel your way through life. Generally optimistic, empathetic, intuitive and a good sport, you’re a natural team player. You like people and people like you. You cherish close relationships. You enjoy the 'big' picture. You need to learn to worry less about what others think and take more loving care of YOU first. You also need to learn to say “no” and mean it; because it helps others be accountable.
If you're with a “circle” person, go with the flow, be flexible and be willing to talk about what is going on.
Innovator: You’re a visionary who creates never-ending ideas. Your mind goes a mile a minute but you can be easily bored if things are too structured. Your unbounding energy brings exciting, spontaneous quantum leaps in the direction of your next great idea. Some may think you’re flaky or a space cadet because your mind is so creative and on the move; so slow down and pay attention to details and the task at hand.
If you're with a “squiggle” person avoid preconceived ideas, be flexible, and help them to follow through.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation.
You can call her at 310 541-4844 or email at