Spring Clean Your Healthy Habits By Corry Matthews


Spring Clean Your Healthy Habits

By Corry Matthews

Spring is here, and it is time to look at all your habits when it comes to healthy eating, working out and self-care. 

“Achieving a goal only changes your life for the moment.  The goal had always been there.  It was only when a system of continuous small improvements is implemented that a different outcome is achieved.” James Clear


 We’ve all done it before…we reach our goal and then we begin to slack off a bit, day by day.  Every year when the first few warm days arrive, my clients pull out their shorts and go “Uh-oh” – these don’t fit like they used to last year”.  And thus, the “Spring-Cleaning” begins.

Use these simple tips to ensure you are ready to bare the skin in just a few weeks.  Bonus – spring cleaning your house burns calories and helps you get summer ready too!



·         Aim for at least one pound of fruits and veggies every day.  This tip keeps you full of fiber and less likely to grab those not so healthy treats during the day.

·         Drink!  Nope, not that type of drink.  Keep your water up.  This flushes out toxins and extra water weight AND, keeps you from snacking on foods that aren’t so great for your summer body.

·         Choose organic, pasture raised and natural as often as possible.  Living in beautiful Southern California – this is easy to do.


·         Haven’t been exercising over the cold winter months?  Add in what I call exercise snacks.  This is short 10-15 minutes of exercise.  Overtime these add up.

·         Lift weights!  If you want to look toned and sculpted this summer add in some weight training.  Start simple with body weight – squats, pushups and crunches are a great start.

·         Who else in your family could benefit from a bit more movement?  Make it a family event and grab the dog too!



·         When you first wake-up, stand up and take 3 deep breaths, inhaling – lift the arms over your head, exhale and release.  This simple move improves your overall day by increasing breath capacity, and possibly decreasing stress and anxiety.

·         Stretch your other muscles!  Is your lower back tight from sitting too much?  Give the hamstrings a stretch after your exercise snacks, and practice Cat/Cow yoga poses with simple breathing.

·         Get a little more shut eye!  This one is hard to do, but so very worth it.  Sleeping enough now, adds years of healthy living to your life.  AND, did you know that those that get enough sleep are traditionally leaner?  Dream of that summer body tonight!

Want more tips – check out Corry’s blog at www.StrengthandGraceFitness.com – summer is coming, and this is your year to be ready for it!

Corry Matthews, M.S. Sports Medicine

Healthy Lifestyle Expert. 

Inspiring individuals to reach their dreams and goals by living healthier.

Email: info@strengthandgracefitness.com

Website: www.strengthandgracefitness.com