Winning your Weekend with 5 Wellness Tips from Corry Matthews
Winning your Weekend with 5 Wellness Tips
from Corry Matthews
How many times have you started a new diet or new workout program only to have it derailed by your weekend? It happens to our clients all the time. Here are 5 tips to stay on your game when the weekend rolls around.
Tip 1: Watch that your cheat meals don’t become cheat days.
We all love a little break from our restrictive diet on the weekend, but did you know that if you cheat all weekend long you will derail all the progress you made during the entire week? So instead of cheat days, choose cheat meals. Pick a meal you plan to have out with friends, or a party and enjoy yourself. (Quick side tip: don’t go starving to a party or you will way over-eat – have a small healthy snack of protein and fat before going).
Tip 2: Count your liquid calories.
Ever heard of the term sugar alcohol? The calories we consume from alcohol end up right on our belly, where we don’t want them. If you are really trying to reduce your mid-section, scale down on the alcohol. If you still want your alcohol or it’s an absolute given at your get togethers, then watch your carbs. Choose – the chips/bread or the alcohol. To ensure you don’t drink too much – if your goals are to lose weight, get lean and build muscle, then be sure to alternate a full 8 ounces of water in between every glass of alcohol.
Tip 3: Get your sleep.
For many, the only time you can catch up on extra sleep is on the weekend. While we always recommend trying to go to sleep and wake at the same time for the best quality sleep we know that isn’t always going to happen. Remove social media distractions from your bedroom (yep – phone stays in the kitchen), reduce time watching tv right before you go to bed and sleep in a dark cool room. Getting enough sleep is key to your wellness.
Tip 4: Active Recovery is key
Not working out on the weekend, that’s ok, the rest time will be good for you. However, we like to recommend active recovery for our clients. This allows you to still get some movement but not at the same intensity as the rest of the week. A word of caution here, if the only time you work-out is over the weekend, be careful not too over-do it. No one enjoys being out of commission for the entire week.
Tip 5: Workout on the weekend
One of the best ways to keep your health and wellness goals on the forefront of your weekend – kick both Saturday and Sunday off with a good sweat fest.
With these 5 simple tips, you can achieve your health and fitness goals and enjoy your weekends. Want more tips – check out our website
Corry Matthews, M.S. Sports Medicine
Healthy Lifestyle Expert.
Inspiring individuals to reach their dreams and goals by living healthier.