“You are so negative!”
“Are you positive?”
Scientific studies show that optimism literally fosters better health and less stress.
So, if you want to feel great what can you DO?
1. Talk to Your Brain. Re-consider your self-talk and outer-talk. What’s your spin? Do you play, “Ain’t it awful” and “Woe is me?” If so, victim is your dictum. … What if you were to play victor and say, “I’m so glad to be alive” and “I’m responsible for my joy… Everyday, in every way, I celebrate my life.” What would that be like?
READ THIS: “Dear Brain, make “purposeful positivity” my motto? Let me smile on my own name. Guide me to I think, say and do uplifting things about me and you. Make my self-talk positive. Make my outer talk positive. Train me to stay on the joyous track. Make joy my regular refrain. Thank you brain.”
2. Surround yourself with positive people. Negative people are more contaminating and contagious than a Wuhan virus. Choose to hang out with those who give positive feedback and celebrate YOU. This may require you to “social distance” negative people.
3. Turn Off Nasty News. When social media is a hotbed of nasty news it can really get you down (and that is a negative concept indeed) so take a vacation from social media.
4. Be Great-Full. Vividly value the good around and within you. This opens you to receive more and more blessings. The more you appreciate the less you depreciate.
5. Laugh. Seriously! As you laugh, a cascade of feel good endorphins, and the like, flood your neurons so you feel terrific!
6. Give a Little. Thoughtfulness is fun and it helps you get over yourself. It also can make someone else have fun.
I’m reminded of the lyrics of a song I wrote: “Sunshine wonderful, absolutely YES… When you’re happy feeling fine, you can’t be depressed.” Think about it!
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.