Beliefs are things you accept as true.
I was startled when someone told me, “I’d rather be right then liked.”
“Wow,” I thought, “I’d rather be liked then right.” Then I realized we’re both true believers embracing and reinforcing our spin on an idea and our spin determines the outcome. Americans collectively believe the doctrine “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Perhaps being right, and not liked, is key to their happiness. Who’s to say? THEY ARE!
I’m reminded of a conversation I heard between two elders in a restaurant: “How is Mable?” one asked. “Mable is, as we say, enjoying ill health,” her friend answered.
As a professional Hypnotherapist, I have clients ask themselves; “Does this belief bring me what I truly want and need?... Where did I get this idea?... Is this belief serving me well?... Is there something behind it worthy of note?... Is this notion, in fact, true for me or simply a way to vent frustration, pent up feelings or whatever?
Here are things I’ve heard people affirm that I believe may be limiting beliefs:
My politics (religion, attitude) is right; yours is wrong.
I can never get ahead.
I’m terrible with money.
I’m a procrastinator.
Neatness is hopeless… I’m a hoarder.
I have bad genes so it's impossible to lose weight.
My body never lets go of fat.
I'm not athletic.
I’m ugly.
I hate myself
I have no will-power.
I hate vegetables.
I believe that these affirmations might serve them better. What do you think?
My politics (religion, attitude) is mine; yours are yours.
I’m terrific at making money.
I get things done now.
I enjoy being neat… it’s fun for me.
I am healthy; genetics brought me here.
I easily shed unwanted pounds.
My body returns to its perfect size and shape.
I'm athletic.
I like myself.
I look good.
I have will-power and won’t power.
I love vegetables.
Many steadfast beliefs, particularly about yourself and your place in the world, originate from parents, peers, society, religions and the media. Then, once you accept a notion, it’s often reinforced without a second thought, and repeated inside yourself like a mantra. Many people become “true believers” and think and spew what they accept with absolute certainty as “the rule” that rules them. Then they attempt to make their rule be the ruler of others.
You achieve what you believe. Words you tell yourself become powerful hypnotic mind-sets that then determine what happens next. How you create your life is truly all in your head. Believe you have the power to be your best and my guess is you will be correct. Bottom line: beliefs are hypnotic-imaginary rules you embrace and reinforce with thought unless you question them… or so I believe.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation.
You can call her at 310 541-4844 or email at