No Gym, No Problem By: Corry Matthews, M.S.
No Gym, No Problem
By: Corry Matthews, M.S.
We’re so lucky – we live in what has to be one of the most beautiful places in the U.S. When I first moved here 3 years ago, I was surprised by the lack of “BIG” gyms in Palos Verdes and its surrounding neighborhoods. When talking to a friend they said – “Why would be need them – all you really need is a pair of great shoes and to get outside.” And how very true she was.
Here are a few tried and true exercises that require nothing more than some dumbbells (ok – soup cans work too), a resistance band (super cheap) and a pair of tennis shoes.
Try out this easy DB (dumbbell) workout – do rounds of 10 repetitions. Repeat through as a circuit for 20-30 minutes.
Squats (DB’s at waist)
Bent over DB Rows
Pushups (knees are ok)
Stationary lunges – do 10 on each leg
Overhead DB press for shoulders
Tricep extensions (back of the arm extensions)
Biceps curls
Reverse crunches
*Now Repeat
Only have a band…that works too!
Squats – no band needed
Open and close band in front of you, working the back
Pushups (knees are ok)
Stationary lunges – no band needed
Overhead band press (step on the band with one foot)
Tricep extensions (step on the band with one foot, extend arm)
Biceps curls (stand on band and curl)
Reverse crunches
*Repeat circuit as many times as possible for 20-30 minutes.
And the best workout of all – get out and walk! The vitamin D will do wonders for your mood. Grab your closest family members, leave the devices at home and enjoy everything that nature has to offer.
One book that our family loves is “The Outdoor Guide to the Palos Verdes Peninsula” by: Brad and Kristine Denton. It is full of great hiking spots, bike trails and points of interest.
Corry Matthews, M.S. Sports Medicine
Healthy Lifestyle Expert.
Inspiring individuals to reach their dreams and goals by living healthier.