Holiday Workouts (Or the take anywhere with you - workout) by Corry Matthews, M.S.
Holiday Workouts (Or the take anywhere with you - workout)
by Corry Matthews, M.S.
Its the most wonderful time of the year – or is it? Yes, the holidays are amazing and yet, somehow they feel more chaotic than any other time of the year. And if you are like most of us, our workouts fall by the way side.
So whether you are staying home this holiday season and just need a quick workout fix, or traveling with your family to the beautiful mountains of California to escape it all, these workouts are a simple and easy fix!
Yes, you will need a few pieces of equipment, but they take up minimal space in your garage/workout room or your suitcase! All of these exercises can be found on Youtube if you aren’t sure what they are.
Needed: Bands (the long elastic band with handles), Loops (the solid loop band – come in 9 or 12 inches), and Sliders (you can also substitute paper plates out for sliders if you are working out on carpet).
Lower Body Workout (Superset the exercises back and forth for one set, then move on to the next exercise)
20 Squats
Superset 12 lunges
20 Walking lunges
Superset 12 One Leg Loop Deadlift (hold one end of the loop, other around foot)
10 Standing push back with loop (loop around ankle, and around ball of the other foot)
Superset 15 Back sliding lunge (back foot on slider, repeat on both sides)
Upper Body (there are 2 triple sets in this workout)
12 Pushups
Superset 12 Loop Lat Pulldown (hold both ends of loop over head and pulldown)
Superset 12 Regular Crunch
12 Renegade rows with band
Superset 12 Reverse Crunch
12 Biceps band curls (use long band, hold onto handles and step on the center of the band)
Superset 12 (Each side) Tricep loop pressdowns (bent over, hold onto one end of loop at chest, other arm presses back to squeeze the back of the arm)
Superset 20 Bicycle Crunches
HIIT – no equipment needed
30 seconds on, then switch to the next exercise…
Renegade Rows (with or without band)
Forward stepping lunges
Tricep pushups
Backward stepping lunges
Full Sit-Ups
Mountain climbers
Repeat for rounds!
Corry Matthews, M.S. Sports Medicine
Healthy Lifestyle Expert.
Inspiring individuals to reach their dreams and goals by living healthier.