Bite Me – Beautiful Wellness – Enjoy a Nasturtium Vitamin C health boost
Bite Me – Beautiful Wellness –
Enjoy a Nasturtium Vitamin C health boost
Take that Vitamin C….yes, take that Vitamin C while chowing down on a nasturtium enriched salad.
Nasturtiums are almost a super food for lazy gardeners and culinary challenged wannabe chefs.
Nasturtiums are almost a super food for lazy gardeners and culinary challenged wannabe chefs.
Did you know that these peppery and gorgeous flowers are 100% edible with the exception of the roots. They grow well in mediocre soil and require nothing but some sun and water. The flavor is often compared to a radish.
Thanks to the recent Palos Verdes precipitation the super bloom has provided the Peninsula with large amount of these gorgeous golden flowers growing with joyous abandon in open spaces.
Nasturtiums also are called Tropaeolum because their golden flowers flecked with red and their distinctively shaped leaves. They can be Red, Orange, White, Pink, Yellow and while mostly vibrant some are of a paler palette.
Take a walk, pick some nasturtiums, make a salad, enjoy the flavor and health benefits and enjoy the views.