Fog Magic By Writer and Contributor NJ Jaeger

Peninsula Fog Landscape Moment

How lucky we few to greet fog night or day, we lucky few who live near the bay

My childhood friend, good morning I say, I feel more alive when you start my day.

Softly awake the world starts anew, as fog dances down petals leaving fresh dew.

Visit in morning, day, or evening I say, you always are welcome in Lunada Bay.         

Peninsula Fog Movie Magic

Shot on the Palos Verdes Peninsula

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)   

“You must make your own life amongst the living and, whether you meet fair winds or foul, find your own way to harbor in the end.”

- Captain Daniel Gregg  

“In my opinion, you are the most obstinate young woman I have ever met.”

- Mr. Coombe  

The score was a highly personal one to composer Bernard Herrmann ‘s haunting melodies intertwine the sound of the sea into every character. His music was intended to evoke romance and the sea’s enduring influence on people.

Peninsula Bay Bird Fog

 Bird’s Eye

Cinder and Ella my favorite raven pair,

Swoop down to visit on fog’s morning air

Boot black your feathers how they glisten and shine

As you welcome a snack I feel like your mine.

A decade and more we meet each day

So I worry if missed, still you are away

In the cold of winter or heat of summer’s day  

I wait for you to come, please visit me today


Prized Fog Poems by Sandburg and Yerman 

 FOG by Carl Sandburg

The fog comes

On little cat feet.


It sits looking

Over harbor and city

On silent haunches

And then moves on.

A PELICAN IN THE FOG excerpt by Jim Yerman 

I suppose that’s why in life… I love the color grey…

Walking in the fog … and paintings by Monet


Walking on the beach the other morning…the sky changed from blue to grey

And when the fog settled over us it was like walking in a painting by Monet.

Point Vicente Lighthouse 

On November 17, 1979, Point Vicente Lighthouse was added to the National Registry of Historic Sites. Despite advancements in technology, foghorns continue to play a crucial role in ensuring the safe navigation of vessels. Electronic sensors and automated controls now trigger the foghorn. A well-known landmark in the South Bay the lighhouse sends it's beacon across the Catalina Channel and can be seen up to 20 miles away.

Peninsula’s Beloved Foghorn

I hear the foghorn in my dreams, its resounding hum covers land and sea

Does oceanlife hear a message and wonder how big the human must be?

Some humans love it, some complain, do whales and octopus feel the same,

If loved or hated, this sound of old, has saved the lives of mariners untold. 

Peninsula’s 2024 Epic Wall of Fog

Wall of White

I saw a wall of white today, a sight I’ve never seen

I saw a wall of white today, it looked other-worldly being

I saw a wall of white today, so vast, how could this be,

I saw a wall of white today, I’m awed and speechless – me.

NJ is a storyteller who has written in many voices for clients in health, education, entertainment, food, sport and politics. Her firm managed publicity for documentary films, book authors and the U.S. Championships. Now NJ represents nonprofit groups, political campaigns and lifestyle celebrities across the global environmental movement. Currently NJ is providing publicity for the July 4th Independence Day Celebration,, in her hometown. NJ received the Lynn Weaver Award from the Entertainment Professional Publicists Society for her lifelong commitment to philanthropy and community volunteerism.

