“STEM is Important to the World” - Anne Minder - By Writer and Contributor NJ Jaeger

In 2012 general aviation pilot Anne Minder relocated to Redondo Beach. A passionate community volunteer Anne applied to serve on the Torrance Airport Commission. Anne was selected and as its singular pilot member Anne provided valuable aviation insights and operational acumen.

Anne fell in love with winged flight as a youth and once STEM became a worldwide education initiative Anne saw STEM as a path to share the fascinating world of aviation science with as many young people as possible; hoping they might be inspired to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering or math. Aviation has played a prominent role in the history and development of the South Bay and Anne saw STEM as another important contribution the Torrance Airport could make to the community.  

After serving three 2-year terms, Anne, now the former chair of the Airport Commission contacted the Torrance Unified School District School Board to gain their support for a STEM day program at the Torrance Airport. Corporate backing was critical to this effort; upon hearing the STEM day plan Robinson Helicopters then owned by Kurt Robinson approved it. Later, Robinson Helicopter led by President and CEO David Smith with the assistance of Robyn Eagle and Jessica Godinez enthusiastically embraced it.

Before that, support came from Sling Aircraft Academy, Solano Aircraft Maintenance and others. Today’s STEM day program enjoys Robinson Helicopter’s state-of-the-art hangar and classrooms and their invaluable support has grown over the years.At seven years of age Anne Minder and took her first flight with a pilot named Cotton who was a trusted friend of her general aviation pilot father. Cotton suffered from Parkinson’s disease and Anne remembers that although Cotton might shake out some coffee setting down his coffee cup, “when he flew, he flew without a tremor”.  Anne’s love of flying was ignited and when asked what she loved most about being a pilot now she doesn’t hesitate, “Always learning new things, the learning never stops”. Anne has flown the same plane for 40 years winging her way across the skies of the United States up to Canada and due south to Mexico accompanied by her favorite canine copilot, Jack. 

Fast forward seven years and the STEM day program at Torrance Airport is revealed as one of the most popular STEM experiences offered by the Torrance Unified School District. Over 150 students from all four Torrance Unified School District high schools plus Madrona Middle School will participate in STEM day. Accompanied by their teachers, the curriculum includes 4 to 5 modules of stimulating hands-on aviation training. Anne explains, “This is a real school day not a field trip. The curriculum was developed and is taught by engineers and pilots who are members of the talented Torrance Airport Association Team of Volunteers.”

Anne has circled the globe in her travels, including a visit to Amman Jordan for the 2023 annual meeting of the women’s pilot group, International Ninety-Nines, founded by Amelia Earhart and 98 of her female pilot friends. Pictured below is the local chapter of the International Ninety- Nines taken at Torrance Airport.  In the middle in teal is Iris Critchell founder of the chapter and now 103 years young. Iris Critchell went to the 1936 Olympics and was a lifelong friend of Louis Zamperini.  Iris Critchell flew airplanes as a WWII WAF, and is honored on Historic Hanger Row 13 in the Torrance Airport East T’s.

What’s next for Anne Minder? It seems clear, the sky’s the limit…

NJ is a storyteller who has written in many voices for clients in health, education, entertainment, food, sport and politics. Her firm managed publicity for documentary films, book authors and the U.S. Championships. Now NJ represents nonprofit groups, political campaigns and lifestyle celebrities across the global environmental movement. Currently NJ is providing publicity for the July 4th Independence Day Celebration, PVJuly4.org, in her hometown. NJ received the Lynn Weaver Award from the Entertainment Professional Publicists Society for her lifelong commitment to philanthropy and community volunteerism.

