Point Vicente Chapter of DAR Celebrates Constitution Week
Point Vicente Chapter of DAR Celebrates Constitution Week
It appears these days that not many folks know what the Constitution does for American citizens and how important it is, but the Point Vicente Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has been regularly sponsoring a display dedicated to the Constitution at the Peninsula Center Library during Constitution Week, which is held September 17th through the 23rd – with the exception of last year due to Covid-19 restrictions. This year, the chapter plans to resume the practice and is taking the unusual step of advertising it with banners strategically placed around the hill.
“We’re elated to resume our charming and educational display at the Peninsula Center library in honor of the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution,” said Alta Graham, Point Vicente Chapter Regent. “We hope to inspire community members to review an important piece of history that, like geometry, was taught to us in school and we figured we’d never use the information in our daily lives.”
This celebration of the Constitution was started by the DAR in 1955, when they petitioned Congress to set aside September 17th – 23rd annually to be dedicated for the observance of Constitution Week. The resolution was later adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed in public law on August 2nd, 1956, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
“The DAR has also erected a structure that was built as a tribute to the Constitution of the United States,” added Graham, “DAR Constitution Hall is a performing arts center, just around the corner from the National Mall and the White House in Washington, DC and it opened in 1929. Performers include a wide array of tastes from Aerosmith, the B-52s and Rodney Dangerfield to Marvin Hamlisch, the Vienna Boys Choir and Luciano Pavarotti.”
The goals of Constitution Week are to emphasize citizens’ responsibilities for protecting and defending the Constitution, to inform people that the Constitution is the basis for America’s great heritage and the foundation for our way of life, and to encourage the study of the historical events which led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787.
“Our display at the Pen Center Library isn’t huge, but if you’re near the library, come and check it out, or simply read up on the Constitution during Constitution Week,” concluded Graham.
Members of the Point Vicente Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution gathered at the Peninsula Center Library in Rolling Hills Estates on July 21st to donate five historical books as part of on-going community service.
Through Point Vicente’s long relationship with the Palos Verdes Library District (PVLD) space is granted for a special Constitution Week display every year from September 17th through the 23rd.
Titles donated this summer were Lincoln’s Mentor’s: The Education of a Leader by Michael J. Gerhardt, Crooked Path to Abolition: Abraham Lincoln and the Antislavery Constitution by James Oakes, The Bears Ears: A History of America’s Most Endangered Wilderness by David Roberts, Grace & Steel: Dorothy, Barbara, Laura, and the Women of the Bush Dynasty by Randy Tarabotelli, and The Agitators: Three Friends Who Fought for Abolition and Women’s Rights by Dorothy Wickenden.
Additionally, the Point Vicente Chapter donates a subscription of American Spirit Magazine for the PVLD readers.
Pictured from left to right are Colleen Cotter, Executive Director of the Peninsula Friends of the Library (PFL) which is a support organization for the PVLD; Alta Graham, Regent of Point Vicente Chapter DAR; Cheryl McCluney, chapter Librarian; Laura Mueller, 2nd Vice Regent and Lori James, member.