Peninsula AAUW Branch Awarded National Five Star Program Badge By Kathy Berg
Peninsula AAUW Branch Awarded National Five Star Program Badge
By Kathy Berg
The Palos Verdes Peninsula Branch (PVP) of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) takes great pride in announcing that the Branch, one of only seven statewide, was recently awarded the prestigious National Five Star Program achievement badge for the 2019-2021 year.
The National AAUW lauded the Branch for their “tremendous achievement made possible through your unwavering commitment to the future of your branch and AAUW’s mission to achieve a world where all women and girls can thrive.
Members of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Branch of the American Association of University Women from left, Nancy Mahr, Nancy Rayner and Cecilia Rogers proudly show off the 5 STAR National Award that the Branch recently received. Mahr wrote the application and spearheaded the yearlong effort with key contributors Rayner and Rogers.
Further, the California State AAUW recognized the Branch for “their hard work in planning and implementing strategies for programs, branch giving, social media, public policy and governance that exemplifies the very best of AAUW.”
Public Policy Chair and former Co-President, Nancy Mahr, wrote the application and spearheaded the yearlong effort to meet the National Five Star Program requirements. “I am thrilled that we were able to achieve National Five Star status and I am grateful for the help of the Branch members who were instrumental in our endeavor,” said Mahr.
The Branch’s multi-faceted program endeavors included:
• Participating in a Zoom format program, “The Creation of a Social Advocate,” in conjunction with Beach Cities and Torrance Branches
• A Zoom Readers Theatre presentation, “The Ladies Remember: Eleanor Roosevelt Uncovers the Path to the 19th Amendment,“ written and directed by member Cecilia Rogers.
• A talk, “Domestic Violence in the Time of Covid,” researched and presented by member Nancy Rayner.
*A funding endeavor in Greatest Needs giving from $1,385 in 2019 to $3,425 in 2020 for National activities.
• Achieving over 90 percent retention of Branch membership.
• The establishment of a Work Smart link on the branch website to provide clear information about the Branch and all of its activities.
• A Legislative interview with CA Assembly member Al Muratsuchi
•A statewide AAUW CA Lobby Day
• A Public Policy Chair to coordinate work with state co-chairs
• The promotion of The Action Network to facilitate grassroots advocacy.
• The development of a Leadership Succession Plan for officers.
In its Mission Statement, AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. AAUW membership is open to women or men with a two year associate degree or higher from a qualified educational institution.
Established in 1957, the PVP Branch is a warm and welcoming association. Members enjoy 12 Interest Groups such as Art Appreciation, Armchair Travelers, Cooks’ Corner and Great Decisions. Members may also participate in outreach projects while benefiting from intellectual stimulation, friendships and being of service to others.
Further membership information is available on the Branch website:
Kathy Berg
La vita è bella!
Indeed, life is beautiful for local PR and marketing consultant, Kathy Berg. Kathy and her husband are avid ballroom dancers and world travelers. And, she fervently embraces her Italian heritage by studying Italian on a daily basis.
Currently, she serves as Publicity Chair for the PVP Branch of AAUW
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