You Did It! By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD
You Did It!
By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD
Do you think; “I could do that?” …Well …YES YOU CAN!
Here’s your game plan that gets you smiling at the finish line.
Of course you want it all, so let’s hone in and be more specific. Do you want to write a book, promote your business, clean your house, pass the test, be your best, exercise or chill out? Just because you studied something, doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be your life’s work. Ask your all-knowing Higher Self, “What serves me best to fulfill my life’s quest?”
2. COME TO YOUR SENSES. Because you’re focused on what you want, let the taste of success linger delicious on your tongue. Notice the sweet aroma of success as it wafts gently on your mind. Hear yourself telling others how you made it happen. Envision the results in full living color. Feel the glow of knowing; I DID IT!
3. ONE STEP IN TIME: Start with five minutes today to get the ball rolling. Plan and implement one measurable step-by-step small action. Success begins now in subtle ways…success happens in BABY STEPS. In the movie; “What About Bob?” Even quirky Bob is liberated by step-by-step action and optimism.
4. BE LOGICAL: Keep your baby steps toward your goal in sequential order; no cart before the horse. Logic takes place in three parts of you: your head (focus), your heart (compassion) and your gut (emotion.) Get these three on board with your action plan and success is a done deal because each motivates you to stay the course .
4. CELEBRATE MINI-MILESTONES: Pat yourself on the back after each step. You’re moving in the right direction so you deserve self-praise… go ahead and say “I DID IT!”
Dr. Shelley is offering a hypnosis certification class
August 6-9th in RPV. You can call her at (310) 541-4844.
Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.