Birds of the Point Vicente Lighthouse Area By Keith Willis
Birds of the Point Vicente Lighthouse Area
By Keith Willis
Having taken a week out to concentrate on my photography I took the opportunity to visit one of my favorite locations which is in and around the Point Vicente Lighthouse area. The object of the exercise was to get some good shots of the Falcons which I had previously failed to get due to not being able to spend enough time there because of work commitments . I spent 3 consecutive days trying to achieve my goal and this was the outcome. So pleased I was able to shoot these pictures. What a location to test out your photography skills.
Bio: Born in Newcastle, England I spent most of my life there working in the retail industry. I married my wife who is from California and spent our first year together living in England. We then moved to Redondo Beach towards the end of 2017 where we still live now. A 2 minute walk to the beach from where I live makes great sense due to my love for photography. I am also on instagram @keithwillisncl and Facebook.