Timely Tarot: Bridging Spiritual and Material Worlds with The Hierophant Card By Lisa De La O Wyman

The Hierophant The Wild Unknown deck.png

Timely Tarot: Bridging Spiritual and Material Worlds with The Hierophant Card

By Lisa De La O Wyman

The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck - Purchase Here

In March, Aries season baptized us with the fires of clearing and inspiration. So many ideas, so much opportunity for change, and sometimes such chaotic energy! It was exciting and unsettling all at once, just as it should be. Now we are moving into the heart of Taurus season, where earthy, sensual, steadily paced vibrations ripple through everything around us. Now is the time to take those inspirations and plant them in the fertile ground – the energies are hospitable and the atmosphere is perfumed with springtime lushness. Our Tarot journey continues with The Hierophant, ruled by Taurus and the love goddess herself – Venus. While the combination of Venus and a card depicting a priest figure may seem at odds, it actually makes a lot of sense. The domains of Venus are all about connection – love, sex, reproduction, beauty, prosperity, and the growth of spring. She brings things together. The Hierophant is also a connector, an intermediary, a bridge.

The Hierophant Card Moonchild Deck - Purchase Here

The Hierophant Card Moonchild Deck - Purchase Here

In ancient Greece, a hierophant meant “revealer of mysteries,” a priest of the Eleusinian rites and keeper of rituals surrounding agrarian deities like Demeter and Persephone. His very body was the bridge between the divine and the people. His voice carried through mystical information, higher knowledge, and teachings that could be applied to everyday life.. The Hierophant translates spiritual enigmas into practical applications. He can teach us how to embody this role in our lives and relationships. Are you open to receiving spiritual support and insight? Do you allow yourself to be inspired? Do your personal values align with the person you are striving to become? Is there a disconnection? You are a holder and keeper of sacred wisdom, of the mystery, of spiritual communication. If you have a hard time feeling into that, let The Hierophant help you to step into that birthright.

The Hierophant Card Thoth Deck - Purchase Here

The Hierophant Card Thoth Deck - Purchase Here

Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus is a fixed Earth sign. The constellation of Taurus is one of the larger constellations in the Northern celestial hemisphere, and contains the Crab Nebula, The Pleiades and The Hyades. In the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, Taurus the Bull of Heaven is sent by the goddess Ishtar to kill Gilgamesh after he rejected her sexual advances. The bull is also connected in Sumerian mythology to Inanna, who along with Ishtar and Venus (Aphrodite) are goddesses of sexual love, fertility, and occasionally warfare. Hathor, from the Egyptian pantheon, is also a primary deity of love, fecundity, and dance. She is typically depicted with bovine horns. For many centuries throughout the world, bulls, cattle, and oxen have been symbols of fertility and prosperity for their crucial roles in farming and livestock propagation. Many cultures have made these enduring, physically strong animals central in their spring fertility rites, such as the Celtic Beltane (May 1st). Sexual celebration, enjoyment of food and wine, and reverence of the reproductive powers of the earth become sacred rites of gratitude and worship.

The Hierophant Card Lioness Oracle Deck - Purchase Here

The Hierophant Card Lioness Oracle Deck - Purchase Here

Taurean energy is grounded, practical, sensual, and holds a deep appreciation for beauty in all forms. Creativity, connection to nature, finances, and manifestation are all connected to this earthy sign. Taurus accesses power through perseverance. Immense will power, stamina, and dedication help combat challenges of doubt, opposition, and scarcity. Their obsessive nature becomes an asset. However, if not kept in check, these same qualities can devolve into steamrolling and domination. Taureans often hold positions of leadership, and are frequently also dancers, singers, and artists. They utilize their intuition for visioning and methodically pull it through into material reality. Taurus people can be quiet, aloof, and hard to read. They strive for harmony and are not easily angered but when set off erupt in furious rage. They can do a great deal with basic resources but also love the finer things in life and possess hedonistic appetites.  Therapist and astrologer Judith Bennett stated that Taurus “is characterized by its duality. A dichotomy between the pursuit of material gain and the ideals of spiritual beauty often causes inner turmoil . . . [Taurus] lives a simple yet complex life.”

The Hierophant Card Rider-Waite Deck - Purchase Here

The Hierophant Card Rider-Waite Deck - Purchase Here

The Hierophant card traditionally illustrates a male figure dressed in religious robes and headpiece. He is often depicted as a pope or high priest of a spiritual order. In his left hand he holds a staff that confers authority, power, wisdom, and secret teachings. With his right hand he gestures the mudra of benediction, offering both blessing and the promise of as above, so below. He sits on a throne between two pillars, much like the High Priestess card. The difference between these two figures is that he stands before other people.  As the High Priestess represents the yin energy of the inner spiritual journey of the self, the Hierophant moves outward with yang energy – connecting with others, bringing forth information, and communicating messages of sacred knowledge. There are usually a set of keys at his feet. They are sometimes referred to as the keys of St. Peter, the first Pope, but on a more universal level they represent the balance between the conscious and subconscious minds and the unlocking of mysteries. Sandra A. Thomson notes that they “link The Hierophant to Hades, holder of the keys to heaven (higher consciousness) and hell (unconscious or instinctual life). It demonstrates the connection of Taurus to its sister sign Scorpio, with Taurus being the keeper of the mysteries (Scorpio) behind the veil of life and death. Some versions of the card also depict the Four Kerubic Beasts anchoring each corner of the card. Mentioned in chapter one of the Book of Ezekiel as a heavenly vision, these beings are also connected to the four fixed signs of the zodiac – Taurus (bull), Scorpio (eagle), Leo (lion), and Aquarius (angel).  They symbolize power, commitment, and completion of a goal or vision.

The Hierophant is card number 5 in the Tarot deck. Five represents conflict, tension, growth, transformation, and the work of the soul.  It also embodies the symbol of the pentagram (the four elements plus Spirit). The fifth or Throat Chakra is connected to the Hierophant and sign of Taurus. It acts as a bridge between the Heart and Third Eye Chakras. It’s also a conduit for the heart, helping to bring up and outward the love, empathy, compassion, and equanimity we have to share with others.

The Hierophant card has long been associated with religious authority but goes far beyond this limiting one-dimensional interpretation. It encourages you to question your values and the validity of teachings and practices in relation to your own spiritual growth. What teachings have you received over time? Do they still feel true for you? If not, can you let them go? It asks you to be your own teacher and appreciate the wisdom and guidance of your own life experience. Legendary singer and Taurus Cher declared, “You don’t know what your beliefs are until you are tested and you have to stand behind them.” The Hierophant asks you to identify your values and live them, which first means sorting through everything you’ve accumulated and figuring out what truly feels right for you. It’s all about connecting – to your sense of purpose, your beliefs, and the messages that you are receiving from Spirit, God, nature, or whatever that source is for you. How can you be a connector, a bridge, for this insight? This card is about bringing it forward out into the world through your work, your relationships, and your practices - your participation in the web of life on this earth. How do you receive and transmit this communication? Is your channel open or blocked? If it feels shut down, why might that be? Investigate it. Can you allow that spiritual wisdom to come through? Doing so can help you cultivate greater faith in yourself and your path, however bumpy at times.

The Hierophant also asks you to explore your relationship with authority. Are you sometimes tempted to hand over your power to someone else? Does it feel easier to let another bear responsibility for things that affect yourself and others? Do you take accountability for your choices? Do you accept instruction, knowledge, and guidance from authority figures without question? Being a follower in an unthinking way, displaying rigidity in the face of change, or adhering to unhelpful dogmatic attitudes are ways that we can all give our power away. The Hierophant urges you to be honest with yourself, authentically refine your values, and reclaim the power that is inherently yours as a being in this world. You are like a prism of light when you allow spiritual power to move through you rather than trying to hold it over others. Let the light, the truth, and the wisdom move through you. Let the love move through you. You are a conduit for the sacred mystery and your body is the vessel. Honor it well.

When a client pulls The Hierophant card, it might be time for them to reexamine their values or explore a new path of learning and spiritual development. With Taurus’ connection to Earth and the body, they may want to explore rituals or practices that incorporate time in nature, tools like plants or crystals, and physical movement that grounds and centers their body. It may signal a need for greater self-care and compassionate love given to their body in general. Our bodies make life here possible and deserve love and respect. Receiving this card might indicate a heightened time for receiving spiritual communication or intuitive insight. Messages, ideas, and realizations of all kinds may be wanting to come through, so time spent in quiet meditation, prayer, or other receptive activities like journaling can open and clear the channels. The client may also discover that through their work, relationships, or creative output, they are a messenger and connector. It can be a powerful realization for them to own and embrace. Spring and Taurus season is a time for rebirth and blooming – step out into the sun and let your colors dazzle us all with their sacred beauty.

Lisa De La O Wyman is a Tarot reader and writer based in Redondo Beach. At Tarot for Empowerment she works with individual clients, private parties, and special events. Through her work she seeks to connect people with their innate power as well as encounter the mystery in everyday life. She can be reached via Instagram and Facebook at @tarotforempowerment.