New Young Fashion Magazine Goes Old School By Chloe Dowling, Claire Hardesty and Ife Ibraheem

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Z Magazine is a fashion and culture magazine made for Gen Z by Gen Z. In 2019, the three of us creators, Chloe Dowling, Claire Hardesty and Ife Ibraheem, came together to make a magazine, website and blog for the youth of today.


The three of us wanted to create a platform for our generation to express their opinions on certain topics and showcase their unique styles. The Z Mag team hopes to bring people together through fashion, art, and culture while simultaneously creating a space where all individuals feel comfortable being the most authentic versions of themselves. 


In the 21st century, the world has become extremely technology based, so the Z Mag team wanted to bring fashion back to its roots with a print fashion magazine. Due to the circumstances of everything going on with the Coronavirus, we were not able to get our first issue printed, but we still wanted to release an issue during this time, which is why issues will also be accessible via our website! But, we look forward to eventually having the opportunity to print our future issues. The benefit of creating a print magazine, in this day in age, is that it gives people a break from their constant screen time. We stand behind our motto "Z Magazine is made for all letters of the alphabet, everything from A to Z". Welcome to Z Magazine.


Z Magazine can be found online at: Z MAGAZINE - Home