Trivia – National Trivia Day is January 4th. Here’s a Little Fun Trivia Challenge By Dana Graham
Trivia – National Trivia Day is January 4th. Here’s a Little Fun Trivia Challenge
By Dana Graham
Do you know the answers to the following trivia questions?
1) Everyone knows the Olmsted house at the border of PVE and Torrance. What family owned it between Olmsted and the Struble's?
2) How many lots did J J Haggarty buy on the bluff on Paseo Del Mar to build his mansion, later the Neighborhood Church? Careful, this one is a bit tricky.
3) Out of what material were many of the water pipes of the original Palos Verdes Project made?
4) In 1919, what site on the Peninsula was UCLA looking at to build their campus?
5) What prompted the blocking off of streets between PVE and Redondo/Torrance just north of Via La Selva?
1. The Rucker family.
2 5 lots. 2 were added in the 1930’s by a subsequent owner, so when Neighborhood Church bougtht it in 1950, it included 7 lots.
3. Wood, some of which lasted until the early 1950's.
4. Where the Peninsula Center is now.
5. Construction of the upper Riviera housing tracts, begun in 1948. There were inadequate roads in the Riviera and the construction equipment was using PVE streets to get there.
Dana Graham, real estate expert, historian, PV Native and you can find Dana at
Dana is President of the Palos Verdes Historical Society.
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