Astrology: A Doorway to Your Spirit ~ August 2020 Horoscopes by Maria Francesca Triliegi
Astrology: A Doorway to Your Spirit ~ August 2020 Horoscopes
by Maria Francesca Triliegi
Sacred Solar Astrology August 2020 Forecasts
Welcome to August 2020
Please enjoy this astrological snapshot forecast revealing important trends and opportunities that are available in August of 2020 to support you. I welcome your feedback, comments and/or questions. In what used to be our normal has now reached a new normal. We are entering the peak time of the year. This should be a time of enjoying the “crazy, lazy hazy days of summer. The days of soda and pretzels and beer. I believe that’s a song by Nat King Cole. Well we aren’t there this summer. In fact, we are in a new kind of summer season where we are being asked to hold back the very things that create the feelings necessary for the fun and gathering together of loved ones and friends. The most human of emotions. We are being asked to be resilient. To go deep within our hearts to access our inner strength and find what lies within that can support us. With the Sun now residing in the creative and somewhat fun-loving LEO, we must do our best to search out ways to enjoy this most beautiful summer season. As we continue to live in a somewhat unknown future, we must depend on our own ability to access our creativity and spirituality. Our intuition is alive and well, no matter what the external world is experiencing. It is as if we are being thrown into a foreign country and don’t understand the language or the rules and regulations mandated by this new reality. We are being pushed beyond what feels comfortable.
I, for one, believe we have what it takes to move through challenging times. We have a spirit, a heart, a mind and a body. These can become very powerful tools when all join together. With all the social, political, climate and health care concerns continuing to affect the very core of our existence; tempers flare, emotions can be out of control and this is when our head and heart must come together to create calmness.
I am available for Astrology Readings for adults and children, Astrology Future Trends Forecasts, Divine Tarot Counseling and Coaching.
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Call or email Maria Francesca at 310-548-1338 or
Maria Francesca Triliegi, Astrologist
Compassionate Communication
available on Zoom or Facetime
March 20-April 20
Aries Transits for August 2020
With the Sun in a sign that is considered to be a kindred spirit to you; Leo, another of the fire signs along with Mars, the planet that defines our energy levels, in Aries, your sign, energy abounds. You will definitely be fired up for most of the month of August. Do your best to use that energy to accomplish all the fun creative projects you have going. Aries is the idea genius of the zodiac. Their challenge is finishing what they start. Now you can! With several important planets continuing to transit your 10th house (called the Midheaven) there are important goals that are calling out for your attention. Demands on your time are obvious. Aries can be childlike in their approach to life. Want to have fun! Just make sure you create a schedule you can follow and still enjoy all of life’s goodness.
April 20- May 21
Taurus Transits for August 2020
With Uranus in your sign asking for you to share your uniqueness; there continues to be a new sense of self emerging. How to access the new you while we experience major changes in the world continues to knock at your door. Taurus needs to have a sense of value in all that you do. With the Sun now in Leo through most of August, you may have a tendency to feel a little feisty. You are the consummate worker of the zodiac. This is what brings you value. Getting the job done. Leos are accomplishers as well and yet they have to enjoy their work with creativity and appreciation as part of the goal. Make this your personal goal for this peak time of the year. Appreciate yourself and all you do to be a good person. You deserve it! Your 4th house (your home base) will want attention now.
May 20- June 21,
Gemini Transits for August 2020
Gemini and Leo. What a great combo. Gemini is an air sign and Leo is a fire sign. You are going to have a lot of plans for the month of August. Wherever you find pleasure is where you will want to be. Even within the confines of our life at the present time, Gemini knows how to create enjoyment. In your yard, in your garden, in small groups of friends and family. Gemini is the natural communicator of the zodiac. If you want to start a podcast or a blog or just reach out with a call or a Zoom or a facetime; August is your month to use your communication skills to bring joyfulness to others so do your best to take advantage of the peak of the year’s natural beauty. Get out and enjoy some of it. Hopefully you are resolving whatever 8th house matters have been calling out for your attention. These include budget, finances and anything that has to do with the business of life.
June 21-July 22
Cancer Transits for August 2020
July was your signature month. Hopefully you took full advantage of it being your birthday month. If you didn’t get everything accomplished, never fear, as you still have much goodness surrounding your life. With the Sun in Leo you can get out into the sunshine and hopefully find somewhere you can put your feet or your whole being in a body of water. This is how you get nurtured. Venus, Goddess of love and beauty, will return to your sign on August 8th and be stationed there throughout the month. Your home is where you will want to make sure there is lots of love and beauty. Added to this is Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto still hanging out in your 7th house. We talked about its influence last month and it will continue to shine a light on all of your up close and personal relationships, especially those that bring love and nurturing into your life.
July 22- August 23
Leo Transits for August 2020
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Time for you to be creative and fired up for success as much as possible within the new structure of our lives; at least for the time being. Your sign is ruled by the Sun; the essence of life on our planet so shine that light. The world certainly needs it. While you are doing that, taking care of you is critical now as most of the important transits are happening in your house of health, wellness and day to day living. Taking good care here will be easy during the time of your birthday month. You need sunshine. You need to bask in the Sun. Leos have a tendency, once dedicated creatively to whatever they are working on, forget the basics like food and sleep. And with Mars, energy planet, in Aries; another fire sign; you can just keep on going. Good to be excited about creativity and yet important to remember we need the nourishment to do it well.
August 23- September 23
Virgo Transits for August 2020
This month will be you preparing for your birthday month which begins on August 22nd. Now is the time to take inventory of what it is you are ready to let go of so you can start a new birthday year. With Leo residing in your 12th house; it is time for introspection. It is time for you to take inventory of your life overall so you can determine what needs clearing out. I so enjoy pruning in my garden. Sometimes I think we need to do an audit of our life. Pruning at its best. This is what I recommend for you Virgos. A lifestyle audit. You are the organizer of the zodiac. You are the analyzer. All of this is so natural for you so enjoy the process and, hey, you can do it creatively. You have several important transits happening in your house of creativity with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all hanging out in your 5th house. And yes; you can still have fun and celebrate life as this is part of what the 5th house governs.
September 23-October 23
Libra Transits for August 2020
Lovely Libras…my message from last month still holds value here. What I mean is that due to our restricted lifestyle you are being challenged right now. You thrive on getting together with loved ones and friends. Your goal is to create harmony. With the Sun in the sign of Leo throughout most of August, you will be somewhat fired up to reach out and create small fun get-togethers, even in your backyard. Masks and all. With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all still hanging out in your 4th house; governing the home you live in and folks living with you; this is where the astrological energy is most prevalent until the end of 2020. Family (whatever it means to you) will need your attention. Libra is ruled by Venus, Goddess of love and beauty. If anyone knows how to bring peace and harmony to whatever the surroundings; it is you!
October 23-November 22
Scorpio Transits for August 2020
Well Scorpios you certainly are feisty right now. With the Sun in Leo, a fire sign, and you a water sign, the water can get a little murky. Scorpio’s water, when it gets too hot, has a tendency to boil over. My recommendation is for you to do all that you can to keep the water simmering in the pot. It’s fun to get fired up. Leos and Scorpios are two of the most accomplished signs of the zodiac. You both know how to get things done. Same qualities; different styles. That’s all! And with Leo residing in your 10th house, ruler of your career and the work you do in the world, use this month’s fired up energy to your advantage. On the 23rd when the Sun moves to the sign of Virgo, you will be able to communicate your thoughts, ideas and goals with more clarity as you have several important transits happening in your 3rd house (the communicator). For now, take some deep breaths and keep moving forward.
November 22-December 21
Sagittarius Transits for August 2020
It’s a great month for you. With the Sun in Leo; a kindred spirit, and Mars in Aries, another kindred spirit; you are on fire! Yes indeed. Fired up to go, go, go. Leo rules your 9th house in your sacred solar chart. The 9th house has to do with expansion, travel, and learning new skills. Even with the restrictions placed on all of us at the present time; you dear Sag will find a way to explore new vistas. This is a mandate for you as your fiery nature always needs it to be alive and happy. Also you still have some major transits in your 2nd house as well. This is where you assess your value in the work you do and what you get paid and how you are honored for your value. Taking inventory of this area of your life is critical now. Like how much energy do you expel to know that you are of value to yourself and others?
December 21- January 20
Capricorn Transits for August 2020
I am going to somewhat repeat the entire message from last month because I still feel like congratulations are in order. With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto; all heavy hitters, in your sign, at least until the end of 2020; you have definitely experienced the benefits, challenges and transformation of most areas of your life. With the Sun in Leo in your 8th house until the 22nd of August; you will continue to experience the goodness of all you have accomplished including rewards as well as the challenges of what you are being presented with. Looks like more responsibility and a few more challenges. A bit of a tug of war is going on here, like where to put your energy. Capricorn is the goat who works tirelessly until the job is done. I love watching them on the hills of Palos Verdes. They were put there to provide a clearing. Visualize that as part of what you do. Find ways to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Once the goats are finished working, they just sit down.
January 20-February 18
Aquarius Transits for August 2020
This month is all about relationships for you. Personal ones with a special partner, or loved one. This includes close friendships and even close business associates. The sign of Leo, where the sun is transiting, rules your 7th house that governs close love relationships. Focusing your energy on determining which ones bring you value and which ones challenge you. Leo is in opposition to Aquarius. I believe the sign opposite us is somewhat of a reflection of ourselves. We need to honor the qualities of that sign so we can benefit from them. Have fun with partners this month. Let them know how you feel about them. Ask for validation too. Aquarians give a lot of themselves. With new energy coming at the end of 2020 as Jupiter and Saturn both move right into your sign; now is the time to get yourself ready for new beginnings. Meditate, journal, take walks and ask for support as you plan the future.
February 18- March 20
Pisces Transits for August 2020
It’s time to take care of you! It’s time to get creative as it relates to your health and welfare. With Leo residing in your 6th house the day to day is where you shine the most. Pisces wants to please. Pisces wants to be the compassionate and kind one. Pisces can go overboard in giving and end up being victimized. So, it’s a good time to bring in the Leo energy. Leos need to be validated and appreciated for their loyalty. Pisces can learn a lesson here. Find better ways of taking care of yourself. You can still be the star. With Neptune, planet that brings illusion and a need for a magical journey through life occasionally; you can use your imagination to support the world. No need to always be available. Paintings, poems, words of encouragement. All of these are valid and with Leo, the sign of creativity, transiting through your day to day life; you can have fun and be a force for good at the same time.
Maria Francesca Triliegi
Maria Francesca Triliegi is the founder of Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks. A company focused on providing practical tools for living life with a strong personal wellness approach. Maria has thirty years of experience as a professional astrologer as well as group facilitator of sacred ceremonies, women’s support groups, motivational coaching, oracle divination, goddess retreats, classes and workshops. She is a published author, an educator, retreat leader, personal growth motivator and avid blogger. Maria was certified as an astrologer in 1991and as a minister in 1992. Her background includes several years of working within the corporate structure as a health benefits administrator and retirement facilitator. She is very aware of the need for each of us to be our own best health care advocate.
Maria's astrological coaching sessions and consultations, tarot counseling sessions, workshops, classes, and lectures are designed to provide the tools for personal growth. Maria’s tools include astrology, metaphysics, positive affirmations, healthy body awareness and practical spiritual daily disciplines.
Maria is a very entertaining as well as motivating speaker who explains spirituality and astrology with warmth and humor. She has a way of engaging others to the importance of knowing all we can about ourselves by understanding how our sacred birth chart can be a powerful lifetime tool.
Maria sees herself as a “beacon of light” to guide her clients to their own inner light. Maria's simple and straight-ahead approach to life's challenges has attracted clients from all walks of life. Maria believes that everyone is a "star" and she treats her clients with the utmost of respect and privacy. Her client base extends throughout the United States and Europe. Maria believes that no matter where our path takes us, we must honor our higher purpose journey.