Wild Birds & Beasts of the Peninsula By Adventurer & Photographer Diane Gowder


Birds and Beasts of the Peninsula

by Dianne Gowder

Our beautiful Peninsula doesn’t only have magnificent views but also some very photogenic birds and beasts. I don’t have photos of everyone  because they just don’t stay still when you want them to!

There will be no snake photos so do not fear!

This spring I saw more foxes than any year previously and this little guy was quite happy to hang around and have his photo taken, even changing poses for me! My kind of model.


I live in San Pedro and we have a lot of sea birds around here, especially by the fishing boats! I Enjoy watching them diving for fish, sometimes they even catch them! Here we have a beautiful white egret, a black crowned night heron and two photos of the very graceful great blue herons.


 I am also very partial to pelicans and peacocks, both found in abundance here on the peninsula.


How about raccoons! Until I moved to the United States I had never seen one (we have badgers in England), so I am always excited when I see them with their masked faces. I love the little cottontail rabbits too, who doesn’t love bunnies? I suppose you might not if they are eating away at your garden!


Everywhere I turn I see squirrels, seagulls, mockingbirds, doves. I can’t always capture every living and flying creature much I may want to. I have no skunk photos either and I am really OK with that! Let’s not  forget the creatures that live in the water, stars, mussels and urchins. Snails can be interesting.. or you can have escargots.


Not all the beasts on the Peninsula are wild,  you can’t live here without seeing a few horses, my  absolute favorite animal. I often go to Portuguese Bend and visit the stables with a few carrots on hand! If you walk around a lot like I do you have probably run into the chickens on PV drive by the fire station.


I haven’t managed to capture all the birds and beasts  because, you know, they don’t ever want to follow the rules… look at those raccoons they have No regard for the no trespassing sign, and as for the seal, there’s a no trespassing sign there as well!

I hope you have enjoyed the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Dianne Gowder Bio:

Here is a link to my Facebook photography page


Also I can be found on Instagram @dgbrit

Originally from England, but now long time San Pedro resident..

Credit for bio picture: Arturo Garcia Ayala

Dianne loves to walk and she tries to do at least 3 miles every day before she heads out to work. Her love of  photography evolved from her walks.

“ I have always been amazed by scenery here and more and more I found myself stopping to capture the beauty of my surroundings. As I shared my work I realized that very few people were even aware of what they have on their doorstep!”

Dianne has made it her mission to share the beauty through her photographs and she takes her friends on walks as often as possible.