Timely Tarot: Navigating Gemini Season By Lisa De La O Wyman
Timely Tarot: Navigating Gemini Season through The Lovers Card
By Lisa De La O Wyman
We find ourselves in Gemini season, which began on May 21st and will continue through June 20th. A mutable Air element sign, Gemini ushers in a period of enhanced communication, learning, mental processing, versatility, spontaneity, and on a deeper level, understanding our own duality and the power of relationship as mirror. In other words, excellent medicine for these times! Whether you’ve been confined at home with your partner and/or family for months, or working in the outside world under stressful and perhaps even dangerous conditions, our interactions with each other are telling us so much about who we are and how it’s affecting our current experience.
The astronomical constellation of Gemini is named after the twins Castor and Pollux, or, “the Dioscuri” of Greek mythology. Known for their intense sibling bond, they demonstrate how individual development is often a fruit of interpersonal connection. Aside from the obvious emotional give-and-take, our relations with other people can reflect back to us important aspects of ourselves that we might not see otherwise. We act as mirrors for each other, displaying with sometimes uncomfortable clarity where our fear, anxiety, and resistance is showing up, as well as our more enjoyable motivations like creativity and enthusiasm. This leads us to The Lovers card in the Tarot deck.
Rider-Waite Tarot
The Lovers is card number 6, and corresponds to the sign Gemini. The number 6 relates to union, balance, integration, and communication. This card is generally associated with romantic love, but that’s just a starting point. While sex, dating, and marriage can help us learn some of our greatest lessons about the care, sharing, and compromise that go into a relationship, it’s hardly the main path. Any kind of relationship can help us see ourselves and the world around us in a new light – friendship, family, professional colleagues – they can all give us a glimpse into that mirror. Another person can awaken us to our needs, desires, motivations, and personal power, simply by mirroring us back to ourselves through their unique lens.
Osho Zen Tarot
It’s easy to view our relationships as something that fulfills emotional needs, increases joy, fills a void, or validates an ideal that we’ve held onto for years. However, their true potential is in helping us encounter ourselves (the one person we often don’t want to deal with). At the end of the day, it always goes back to your relationship with YOU. It’s your foundation, your root system, and the beginning, middle, and end of your story. Everything in your life, including the actual quality of your relationships, originates from the connection you have with yourself. Where you are as an individual also influences whom you gravitate towards or attract. If you have a history of dating people who are chronically “unavailable,” what might they be showing you about your own emotional availability? Do you and your parent talk in circles around touchy subjects but never really resolve any conflict? Is it really just because they’re impossible, or can you see a reflection of your fear of confrontation? Is that abrasive co-worker just a jerk, or are they triggering insecurity you have around your work performance? According to the Buddha, “your worst enemy is your best teacher.” These interactions can be a stepping stone on your path towards increased self-awareness, inner peace, and personal liberation.
When I’m reading for a client with questions about finding love or making a partner change and they pull The Lovers card, it’s almost always an invitation for them to explore their own emotions and behavior. Anyone in a happy relationship knows that partnering up doesn’t solve all your problems. Life, as we so clearly see right now, brings constant change that no love affair or ideal relationship can remedy. Let these connections instead help you strengthen the love, respect, and understanding you have for yourself, and it will feed all the other relationships in your world and help them grow hearty, adaptable, and resilient.
Lisa De La O Wyman is a Tarot reader and writer based in Redondo Beach. At Tarot for Empowerment she works with individual clients, private parties, and special events. Through her work she seeks to connect people with their innate power as well as encounter the mystery in everyday life. She can be reached via Instagram and Facebook at @tarotforempowerment.