April 2020 Horoscopes by Mystical Joy aka Joy Corradetti
April 2020 Horoscopes
by Mystical Joy aka Joy Corradetti
In addition to reading your Sun Sign, it is also helpful to read your Rising Sign for further enhancement. ;-)
March 20-April 20
The month of April looks quite good for the Ram regarding money and career despite the tumultuous times of the CV Virus. This is an excellent time to soul-search in finding creative, new ways to tweak long-term career plans and inspire financial ideas that have laid dormant. Mercury and Neptune transiting your solar 12th House would suggest you are expressing more compassion and lending a helping hand to others who are sequestered. There is also caution as to not overindulge in alcohol or drugs. People rely on you for your inner strength, dear Aries, and you can rise to the occasion! Mercury moves into the sign of Aries on the 11th, making you especially witty and intellectual until the end of the month. Your ruler Mars will square Uranus on April 7th, suggesting that it’s better for you to go with the flow and not to venture out into crazy, uncharted ideas. Be cautious for a few days before and after that day of being overly high-strung and unfocused, as careless accidents could happen.
FAVORABLE DAYS: 20, 21, 22
April 20- May 21
Love is in the air for Taurus the Bull, as the month starts with Venus in your sign and you feel especially romantic. On the 4th, Venus forms a lovely angle to Saturn, making you feel sincere in desiring a comfortable, stable relationship. There is also a strong desire to spend money on things of beauty, art, furniture or clothing. Careful not to run up the credit cards and experience later remorse. On the 18th, Mercury the planet associated with communication, gets chummy with your ruler making it easy to express your true feelings and getting any misunderstandings smoothed out. If there is something sensitive that needs to be expressed that’s the day to do it, dear Taurus! The Full Moon in your sign on the 22nd is most-delightful in making you confident and charismatic, as this is Earth Day. What a great day to celebrate for you are all about the Earth, being an Earth sign.
May 20- June 21,
Well, the Twins are definitely restless! It’s so difficult to keep these guys sequestered and hunkered down! There’s so much creativity running through their veins now, and they want to move, move, move! However, energies need to be channeled in a totally different way now. Your creativity is off the charts this month. Beginning on the 3rd, with Mercury, your ruler conjunction to Neptune. It’s time to start that writing project, execute online projects, tackle that artwork or write that song that’s been ruminating in your head. This inspiration continues on the 18th with your ruler blowing sweet kisses to Venus & Mars adding romance to your already inspired mood. Your channeled energies now take center stage.
FAVORABLE DAYS: 25, 26, 27
June 21-July 22
April is a more reflective month for the Moon Child. This is a time you may enjoy peace and solitude while connecting with your inner strength. Early in the month Venus enters the solar 12th House which means love from the past may come up for some kind of completion and perhaps to make peace. This may even happen in a dream state. On the 7th, the Full Moon resides in your solar 4th House inspiring changes in the home. One may seriously consider working from home or creating a new office. Mercury sextile Venus on the 18th, may bring possible writing or online projects. Jupiter & Pluto are transiting your 7th House having a powerful, intense impact on marriage and relationships. Careful of obsession here, dear Cancers!
FAVORABLE DAYS: 1, 2, 28, 29
July 22- August 23
Leos are all about getting healthy. Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto put the emphasis in your 6th House of health. This is a great month to modify diet and exercise, to catapult your body to vibrant and radiant health. On April 3rd Venus moves into your 11 House of friends and wishes. This placement enhances wonderful opportunities and inspiration to take a giant leap of faith on the dreams you wish to manifest. Think big and fear not. Venus in Gemini is also making lovely overtures to your Sun, giving you the added boost to get social and find creative ways, despite social distancing. This is enhanced on the Full Moon on the 7th, in your 3rd House of digital networking and communication. This is your time to shine, fabulous Leo!
August 23- September 23
Mercury, your ruler, is quite busy this month, dear Virgo. Lots of great positive energy to finish those projects that need the final touches. Essentially, it’s difficult to sit still, you are bombarded with inspiration with terrific aspects from Jupiter, Pluto and Mars. On the 4th of this month Venus enters your 10th House of career. It’s a time to re-evaluate what brings you satisfaction and improvements in your work. Accolades and recognition are on the horizon and are much deserved with the hard work you’ve executed. With the quarantine in effect, sentiments of gratitude may arise as you contemplate what you have taken for granted. This placement may manifest a romance connected with your career. If that is what you desire, stay open. Your creativity soars this month, dive deep into your subconscious, as there are undiscovered gems.
September 23-October 23
This month the heavens are shining down on your ruler Venus, as it enters into your friendly, fellow-air companion sign of Gemini. This makes for compatible conversations with your friends & loved ones. This is especially highlighted on the 18th as a delightful angle forms with Mercury. If you’ve been holding back on letting your feelings known, now is the time to reveal them! The Full Moon in your sign on the 7th is a perfect time for reevaluating yourself and your spiritual aspirations. This brings more balance into all areas of your life. It is a great time for Spring Cleaning. Remove those cobwebs that have kept you in bondage of self-made limitations.
October 23-November 22
It’s all about communication for you this month, dear Scorpio. This begins on the 4th of April when Jupiter joins with Pluto in your 3rd House. The phoenix rises from the ashes again as Pluto, your ruler, conjuncts with Jupiter! Luck prevails especially communication at work. Challenges in that area are now in your rear view mirror. Venus makes an appearance in your 8th House bringing extra cash, as well as greater intimacy and the deepening of a romantic relationship. In addition, there is a lovely balance of freedom with Uranus positioned in your 7th House. Friendships and partnerships are favorable at this time with Mercury adorning Pluto. Use this transit wisely.
November 22-December 21
You’ve hit the jackpot this month, lucky Sagittarius! On the 4th of this month, your ruling planet Jupiter, known for great luck, dances closely with Pluto, the planet of power and major transformation. This happens in your 2nd House of money! Adding to this lovely equation is Venus in the 7th House bringing a new romance or reignited love into an existing relationship. The 20th of this month brings a culmination of the Moon joining with Mercury blessing this trine of good fortune with the New Moon on the 22nd. In addition, this 6th House placement aids with new positive health regimes. How lucky can you get? Good things happen when you clean up your act.
December 21- January 20
This is an especially quiet month, dear Capricorns, as the planets are lined up in the bottom half of your chart, indicating a time for enjoying your sequestered cocoon. Having said that, lots of remote stuff regarding work. Venus is in your 4th House, work negotiations and contracts are very favorable with Mars in the 2nd House, rewarding your efforts in a financial gain. This increases on the 20th as the Sun moves in the 5th house of speculation and doubly increases on the 22nd with the New Moon placement. Additionally, Uranus is also there, putting an extra touch on possible surprises. This can go both ways, dear Cappy, so caution need be present. Nonetheless, a little gamble can be fortuitous. The 5th House is also the domain of children, romance and passion. These areas can benefit with the transit, as well. Enjoy nesting and happiness prevails.
CHALLENGING DAYS: 1, 2, 28, 29
January 20-February 18
Deep transformational shifts for the Water Bearers as Saturn & Mars move into Aquarius. This brings strength with a strong desire to overcome obstacles. Optimism & hope prevail, dear Aquarius. The Sun occupies your 2nd House of money as you ruminate new ideas for obtaining financial gain. On the 3rd, Venus enters your 5th House of romance and creativity. This inspires sensuality and beauty in your life while sparking business ideas and creativity. On the 7th, the Full Moon resides in your house of spirituality. It’s an excellent time to rev up meditation and prayer to assist you with new beginnings and unique journeys. You have been given a new lease on life. Go forward, not backward! There is a caution as Mars will square your ruler, also on the 7th. Don’t stress for a few days or overdo your energy levels. On the 20th, the Sun will enter the 4th House joining Uranus, your ruler. This will stimulate changes in the home, whether it be a desire to move or redecorate. Change is in the wind; you can feel it in the air.
FAVORABLE DAYS: 15, 16, 17
February 18- March 20
Help is on its way from the Universe, dear Pisces, as the planets are lined up on that side of your chart. Release your fears & restrictions. It’s time to bask in the safe space you’ve created, and not be over anxious to move forward. With Venus in your 4th House, it’s a fabulous opportunity to beautify your surroundings, enjoy your nest and perhaps do some creative cooking for family. It’s a time of peace and harmony. On the 7th, the Full Moon in Libra in your 8th House helps to balance those issues of joint finances, be it loans, taxes, mortgages, insurance, bank issues etc. In addition, Mercury in your 2nd House of money helps to make wise financial decisions. Neptune still resides in your sign, so be keenly aware of seeing things clearly, removing any rose-colored glasses of delusion. On the 11th, Mars moves in your 12th House, gentle exercise and yoga could be helpful to release any stressful, pent-up energy.
Respectfully submitted with love,
Mystical Joy
aka Joy Corradetti
Joy is available for personal readings and consultations through her website https://www.mysticaljoy.net/
Joy Corradetti aka Mystical Joy
108 International Boardwalk
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
I have 30 years experience as a professional Astrologer; Tarot Reader; Numerologist. I am a Psychic; Feng Shui Advisor; Intuitive; Meditation Guide and Spiritual Advisor. My passion is being a teacher of these subjects. I also love counseling and helping people find their path, through Spirit, forgiveness, gratitude and unconditional love. I am a Life-Coach and an ordained minister from the Madonna Ministries. Being an eclectic Aquarian, (Cancer Rising, Scorpio Moon) I possess a BA of Communications and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from California State University. I have also enjoyed being a professional singer/entertainer for decades.