Timely Habits by Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD


Timely Habits

by Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD

You craft habits bit-by-bit with each repeated small decision, thought and action. A habit, once crafted, according to Duke University researchers, accounts for about 40% of your daily behavior! And, your daily behavior becomes your life!

Do your habits bring you joy, health and satisfaction? That's the question… and the quest.


As a hypnotherapist, I help many who want to change a limiting habit; stop over-eating, put down smoking, put off procrastination and embrace abundance. Whatever their goal, shifting a limiting habit comes down to a simple mental reset in their daily routine. One little change causes a chain reaction and soon a new tapestry of behavior is loomed. Everything is possible with systematic step-by-step action.


Let’s say you want to write a book. Step one; you make time to write something–anything. Step two: you put it on the calendar. You wake up a half an hour earlier and write. Soon, a new habit is born! The way to write a book is not to think about writing a book; you write something every day… I know. I hypnotized myself to write every day, first thing in the morning and I just completed book number twenty-five! A daily writing habit birthed my joyous success.


Studies show that if you urinate before sleep, you sleep more soundly! This simple change in a bedtime habit brings fine rewards.

You want to release unwanted pounds? Eat protein for dinner. Eat on a smaller plate. Chew each bite 20 times. Take a smaller portion. Change a soft drink to water. Whatever you choose, bit-by-bit changes cause a chain reaction so you habitually become your I-Deal size and shape. 


Here are the things you can do today to create habits that make you say HOORAY!

1. NOTICE NOW. A big part of habit-change is your mindful attention to habits you now pursue because habits you pursue become you.

2. TAKE A BABY STEP. Let’s say you want to get more exercise. Take it easy; begin with a stroll around the block. Then, each day, go a little extra.

3. SELL YOURSELF THE BENEFITS. Explain to yourself payoffs of your new baby steps. “I’ll have more energy,” “Look better,” “Get some new clothes,” “Be a role model for my children.” Give yourself good reasons for your NEW action is your carrot on the stick.

4. FOCUS. One step at time… no multi-tasking… have a one-track mind for each baby step.

5. SPEAK KINDLY TO YOURSELF. Become your own best friend. Words of praise from you to you go a long way. Celebrate each and every little change and know that you are crafting well-deserved results. If you fall down, just get up and do your baby step again and again until it becomes your new habit. When you learned to walk you fell down but you certainly didn’t quit… You got right back up and now you walk on your own two feet! Persistence pays off.



HOORAY! You just won the ultimate PRIZE! Each morning your bank deposits $86,400 into your private account for your personal use. Wow. How will you spend it?

Oh, I forgot to mention that this prize has rules:
1. Only you can spend it.

2. What you don't spend is taken away at the end of the day.

3. You cannot transfer it into any other account.

4. Each mornings $86,400 is for that day only.

5. The prize may be permanently taken away at any time, without warning.

What will you do today with such a gift? I bet you'll buy anything and everything you want and then buy things for others you cherish. You may even buy things for people you don't know.

In fact, you did win this ultimate PRIZE… It is called TIME. Every day you receive 86,400 seconds as your gift for the day. How you spend it is a choice you make. When the day is over, there is no credit and hopefully you live to receive your next precious 86,400 seconds. How will you spend it? To make each second count, create habits that give you the most cluck for your buck. Craft a happy, loving investment in yourself and those you love. Take a few moments and send it in the direction of a stranger. Time is the gift you win and use with each easy breath and each action you take. SO, change up what you think, say and do and then enjoy what you create. Happiness awaits. You can bank on it!

Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.