May 2020 Horoscopes by Mystical Joy aka Joy Corradetti
May 2020 Horoscopes
by Mystical Joy aka Joy Corradetti
Call Mystical Joy for a personal Tarot /Astrology appointment
310-871-9973 (cell)
In addition to reading your Sun Sign, it is also helpful to read your Rising Sign for further enhancement. ;-)
March 20-April 20
Dear Ram: To say that you are rambunctious this month would be an understatement! You are raring to get things accomplished and moving in a positive direction despite any social distancing. It’s hard to hold you back with Mars, your ruling planet, forming a lovely angle to your Sun for the beginning half of the month. You have so much energy. In addition, Venus is forming a terrific angle for you, Aries, making you most-amorous for the whole month. You are looking for outlets to channel these energies. This may be a source of frustration, having to quell your passion, as others may not be up to your speed. Discipline has never been your strong suit, but you are growing spiritually by leaps and bounds. The Full Moon on the 7th in your 8th House may satisfy that pent-up sexual passion. The 25th is also an electric day for you as your ruler, Mars, will dance with Uranus. Celebration is on the horizon.
FAVORABLE DAYS: 17, 18, 19
April 20- May 21
The Bull is ready to charge full steam ahead. You are feeling creative and positive about the future. With Jupiter and Pluto forming trines to your Sun, your creativity and drive are off the charts. You’ve enjoyed the timeout, but you are feeling your oats and needing to run. This is an excellent opportunity to exercise and drop those unwanted pounds. Neptune will be squaring your ruler on the 3rd and again on the 20th. You are being challenged to see the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. You may encounter a few snags on some work projects, but the delay will turn out to be favorable and a stroke of good luck. Easy does it, on the Full Moon on the 7th placed in your 7th House of committed relationships. You are feeling a bit cranky and may irritate your mate, so be sure your filter is in place! Your ruler, Venus, goes retrograde on the 12th for 6 weeks. This will bring a period of circumspect. This is a fantastic opportunity to journal or write while your creativity is churning for an outlet. You know you have a talent with words and music. Go for it.
May 20- June 21,
Dear Gemini, Venus is dancing in your sign for another three months or so. Lucky, lucky you! This could bring a new love or inspire someone from the past who wants another try to make things right with you. Perhaps, it’s just an apology or an amends. In either case, you are feeling love and bountiful charisma. Your ruler Mercury is experiencing kudos from Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, so you’ve hit the jackpot. Since all these planets will go retrograde this month, the emphasis is placed on learning lessons from the past. Meditate and concentrate; because you will be given a cosmic do-over in a few areas of your life. The New Moon in your sign on the 22nd, makes you the cosmic, monthly favorite. FYI- the New Moon in your sign only happens once a year, so this is an excellent time to make wishes, burn candles, write affirmations. You can make it happen. Believe~ you are the stuff of stars!
FAVORABLE DAYS: 22, 23, 24
June 21-July 22
The monthly emphasis for you dear Cancer, is relationships. This includes friendships, casual romantic partners and marriage. The New Moon on the 7th will be in a compatible water element that will grace your 5th House of romance, children, entertainment and fun. So, take advantage of those topics during a few days before and after that period. Jupiter and Pluto are still transiting your 7th House of marriage, partnerships and committed relationships, and will occupying that space for some time. You are, or will be in a transformative, powerful relationship. Your 11th House is also lit for wonderful friendships. It’s quite possible that you will meet a new and lovely friend, perhaps on social media, as Uranus the technological, media mogul is residing there. Additionally, dating websites are favored too. This house is also associated with wishes and goals. With these sequestered periods, it is a perfect time to ruminate what you wish to manifest in the future and make adjustments accordingly. Keep your energies positive.
July 22- August 23
Health is still a primary emphasis for you, dear Leo as your 6th House of health comes into high focus. With Jupiter residing there, it is as if you have a lucky star tucked away in your back pocket! This placement is also fortuitous when it comes to your job. You may be quite successful working from home during this hunker downtime. Your imagination is churning in what new financial endeavors you can tackle when the sequestering is over. You may brainstorm long-term visions with Neptune and Jupiter forming lovely angles to your Sun during the week of the 10th until the 17th. This is heightened with the Gemini New Moon on the 22nd. Venus is also placed in Gemini forming a lovely, compatible angle with your Sun. Can you handle love, love, love?
FAVORABLE DAYS: 1, 2, 27, 28
August 23- September 23
Dear Virgo, the compatible Full Moon in Scorpio on the 7th, falls in your 3rd House of communication, writing, siblings and neighbors, favoring all those areas around that day. If you have that original book that has been collecting dust, now is the time to brush off the cobwebs. Your inspiration and creativity are heightened. You have a message to convey, so resist the urge to be a perfectionist or be over-critical. This placement also favors publishing. What a unique opportunity to make your voice heard, as Neptune, Pluto and Jupiter are making favorable aspects to your ruling planet, Mercury. On the 11th self-doubt could creep in, but it’s only temporary. With a few planets transiting your natal 5th house with Mars leading the way, you may be antsy around the house with children under foot. Don’t lose your patience with the kids at home, this will soon pass. Nonetheless, there will be wonderful, memorable opportunities for unique bonding with them. You’ll soon look back, and be thankful for these special moments. This will also hold true for romance. Do your best not to over-analyze. There is a rainbow at the end of this storm. Go with the flow, dear Virgo!
FAVORABLE DAYS: 2, 3, 29, 30
September 23-October 23
Finances come into focus for you, dear Libra, for most of the month. Look for those answers puzzling you with regarding money. The Full Moon on the 7th in your 2nd house of resources is likely to bring pleasant news or a surprise. This occurs again with the New Moon on the 22nd, in the house of joint finances and unearned resources. You may find yourself being the beneficiary of government funds. Needless to say, apply for everything; keep your hopes up and do your homework. Venus, your ruler, residing in the highly compatible air sign of Gemini, for over two months, promises to assist you in your financial projects. However, Venus goes retrograde on the 12th for 6 weeks, and this will bring a period of prudence and may bring those projects into fruition that you previously initiated, so get on it early in the month! There is the added bonus of being able to express yourself, written and verbally, to put the finishing touches on your financial endeavors. Neptune will be squaring off with Venus on the 3rd and again on the 20th. Work your way around those days where your intuition isn’t at its best. Good for you, dear Libra; help is on the way. This couldn’t have come at a more suitable time!
October 23-November 22
The Full Moon in your sign on the 7th is quite fortunate for you, dear Scorpio. This helps you to take a good long look at your life’s direction and tweak it if you’ve drifted off-course. You may also be contemplating a change of residence, as transiting Mars is going through your 4th House of home. Saturn is also stationed there, so any limiting conditions in the home will be magnified. Look for mental clarity around the 9th, as Mercury will form a nice angle to your ruler, Pluto. Your work is a main source of ingenuity and creativity as Uranus and Mercury are in your job sector. Venus will vacation in your 8th House for a few months, so look for investments, insurances and unearned resources to be helpful reinforcements during this sequestering period. Your sexual passion is also ignited during this time, giving you and your significant other a chance to connect, even if it is on platforms such as FaceTime and Zoom. You’re so inventive, Scorpio, when it comes to passion!
November 22-December 21
The Sun shines brightly for you, dear Sag, especially on the 10th and the 17th. You are blessed with positive energy and windows of opportunity are presenting themselves to you. Yes, times are changing galore, but you know how to take advantage of these shifting periods. The Full Moon on the 7th in your 12th House inspires you to be of service and help out when you can. Sagittarius can be a brilliant performer, be it comedy, theatre and music. You may be enthused to use your talents and gifts to bring happiness to a world needing a pleasant diversion. Your 5th House of romance, creativity and children is being stimulated with Uranus and Mercury, motivating you to step out of your comfort zone. YouTube is calling to your latent virtuoso.
December 21- January 20
Times are a-changing and no one is transforming as much as the Goat. You are practical and grounded, dear Cappy, and I know you prefer the facts, not the fluff. Good times are on the horizon, but you must keep the faith! The Full Moon on the 7th is quite positive, encouraging communication with friends and deepening bonds of friendship. When you emerge from this temporary fog, victory is assured for your wishes and long-term goals. This is a necessary, reflective period, as your ruler, Saturn will go retrograde on the 11th, encouraging deeper spiritual growth and evolutionary development. Prayer and meditation will be of tremendous help. There is good news ahead regarding finances, compliments of blessings to your 2nd House, which should keep you fortified and optimistic. This month will be boosted with corroboration from the Sun, Mercury and Uranus in compatible earth elements. The quality of your passage is up to you; choose wisely!
January 20-February 18
We begin the month with Mars and Saturn in your sign, Aquarius. This could account for dynamic energy and nervous restraint which are contradictory drives leading to frustration. Saturn, your ancient ruler, goes retrograde on the 11th, suggesting the need to go within for deeper guidance and surrender. Fear not; by the 14th both of these planets have left your domain and you feel a welcome sense of relief. This is enhanced with the New Moon on the 22nd in the compatible element of Gemini air. Communication with a loved one is also favored with Venus and Mercury playing nice, resolving any harsh feelings of feathers being ruffled. All is finally smoothed out, and not a moment too soon. Romance is in the 5th House with Venus taking center stage. Just when you were ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater, the perceptive Waterbearer enters the domain of equal reciprocity with her mate. Test, test, it’s only a test; and by the way, you passed!
FAVORABLE DAYS: 12, 13, 14
February 18- March 20
This month looks quite promising for finances, dear Pisces. The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are transiting your 2nd House of resources and are forming positive angles to your Sun. Your psychic instincts are right-on especially when it comes to money. The Sun will guide you in your financial choices. Additionally, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is presiding in your 11th House of wishes, goals and friends, adding more good fortune to the mix. The Full Moon on the 7th in a compatible, water sign, makes you feel positive and alive with Mercury winking to your ruler, Neptune. This falls in the solar 9th House, enhancing spirituality and education. It is an auspicious time to learn a new language and seek educational pursuits. You may dream of travel, but postpone to a later date after virus concerns have subsided. In general, you feel positive, content with your life and your place in the universe. Helping others and the less fortunate is a strong desire of yours, and this month you have the energy, drive and resources to do just that. Pisces at its best!
CHALLENGING DAYS: 2, 3, 29, 30
Respectfully submitted with love,
Mystical Joy,
Aka: Joy Corradetti
Call for a personal Tarot /Astrology appointment
Joy Corradetti aka Mystical Joy
108 International Boardwalk
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
I have 30 years experience as a professional Astrologer; Tarot Reader; Numerologist. I am a Psychic; Feng Shui Advisor; Intuitive; Meditation Guide and Spiritual Advisor. My passion is being a teacher of these subjects. I also love counseling and helping people find their path, through Spirit, forgiveness, gratitude and unconditional love. I am a Life-Coach and an ordained minister from the Madonna Ministries. Being an eclectic Aquarian, (Cancer Rising, Scorpio Moon) I possess a BA of Communications and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from California State University. I have also enjoyed being a professional singer/entertainer for decades.