The 2020 Reading Challenge from PV Friends of the Library

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The 2020 Reading Challenge

from PV Friends of the Library

It is a new year and possibly a whole new outlook on life! We all make New Years resolutions and mine is typically the same; work out more,  lose weight, make time to see family and friends, etc.  However this year I promise myself to read these 10  books below to improve my life and also my spirit.  

Darius Foroux who writes about productitive, good habits and decision, along with personal finance has a great list of books that will change your life for the better. All of the books below are available at the Palos Verdes Library District. Please make sure you have a library card in 2020 - Click Here


Walden by Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau started my ‘thinking about life’ journey ten years ago. I remember how I discovered his writings — through the movie Into The Wild. The movie (released in 2007) was based on a Jon Krakauer book with the same title about Christopher McCandless, a young and naïve idealist who wanted to live a simple life. McCandless’s story is sad. But his biggest inspiration was Thoreau. And since Thoreau isn’t recommended reading in school in The Netherlands, I decided to pick it up by myself (and the Jon Krakauer book too). I haven’t stopped thinking, reflecting, and living more consciously ever since.  

The Art Of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

We make a lot of decisions in our life. How many of those decisions are rational? If you ask Dobelli, very little. This book is an excellent collection of 99 thinking errors — from cognitive biases to social distortions. Reviews stat that this is the most  practical book they have read on decision making. 

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

This book lives up to its hype. You will change the way you think after reading Kahneman’s book. It’s a summary of his most important findings ever since he started as a cognitive psychologist in 1961. I think it’s one of the most important books that’s published in recent years.

The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal

Self-control is the number one skill that helped me through my college years. And this practical book inspired me to bring my willpower to the next level. McGonigal writes in a down-to-earth manner that inspires you to take action.

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Your ability to enjoy your work not only determines work satisfaction, but it also impacts how good you become at something. Flow is one of those books I think about every day. Getting in a flow state is something that actually changes the way you work and experience life.

The Story of the Human Body by Daniel Lieberman

Who knew that knowledge about human evolution could change the way you live? At least, that’s what happened to me. To truly understand your body, you have to know how it evolved. You’ll appreciate it more after reading this book — I can tell you that.

Spark by John Ratey

I’m a big believer in daily exercise. To me, it’s as important as breathing. John Ratey’s book inspired me to include daily exercise into my life. And I can’t tell you enough how significant the impact has been on my productivity, confidence, health, happiness, and overall enjoyment of life.

Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott

Multiple readers recommended this book to me. Bird by Bird is about more than writing. If it doesn’t make you a better writer (which I doubt), it will make you a better person.

Influence by Robert B. Cialdini

This classic book teaches you the science of persuasion. And it’s full of research and anecdotes that will change the way you look at life, relationships, business, and people’s intentions.

Quiet by Susan Cain

Most introverts don’t even know they are introverts. Quiet is a book about knowing yourself. And that simple skill can change the outcome of your life. It comes down to this: Don’t try to be something you’re not.

 “Ignorance costs you more than you’ll ever know.”

Colleen Cotter

Colleen Cotter

Colleen Cotter is the Executive Director of the Peninsula Friends of the Library. The Friends raise money to support Palos Verdes Library District which is an award-winning special district with a highly driven staff that works hard to bring our community unique, fun and educational programs. The Friends supports over 1000 programs, Sunday Hours, the Teen Annex, online resources, capital improvements and more.

Colleen Cotter - Peninsula Friends of the Library

Executive Director

701 Silver Spur Road

Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
