Thanksgiving - A Day to Express Gratitude By Photographer and Contributor Simie Seaman

Thanksgiving is upon us. I have to say, fall is one of my most favorite times of the year – first there is Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. The decorations, the music, the food, the holiday spirit – I love it. But I feel Thanksgiving has gone by the wayside because Christmas has a lot more appeal. We get so excited for Christmas that Thanksgiving receives far less attention. Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday.

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Frankenstein Confronts the Darkness In Us All By Historian & Author Mary Mallory

One of the greatest Halloween stories ever told, Mary Shelley’s 1818 tale Frankenstein still enthralls audiences to this day. Considered the first science fiction novel by many, it spawned a genre of horror plays, books, and movies and remains prescient in its tale of a scientist mortified with the resultant horror of what he has created after forming a new creature from the body parts of the dead.

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